Chapter 15; The Woodland realm

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*Author's note*

Alrighty here we go, from Mirkwood and now the Woodland realm, Now it's best to come out an say this.  I WILL NOT WRITE THE LOVE STORY BETWEEN TAURIEL AND KILI!!!! That is NOT happening in this series (for those shippers out there, I am sorry but I felt like the films would've been better off without the love story and could've been kept as a admiration/friendship kinda like how they wrote Gimli and Legolas in LOTR).

With that being said I should also say that I actually got the privilege at Galaxy Con to meet Evangeline Lily (Tauriel herself!!) and she was A-MAZING!! And soo sweet and of course beautiful as always. Got a selfie and her autograph, if anyone's interested I'll post a pic up if you ask nicely.  And now all that aside, enjoy this next chapter and I'll try to post some more chapters up tomorrow so until then goodbye and enjoy my lovelies :)

Also SIDENOTE!! Since there hasn't been a CANON name for Legolas' mother's name I did some digging and found a pretty good name for her and it's got a good ring to it, CALEN is Sindar means "Green One". Let me know what you think of her name.


There was darkness. There was pain. Then.......relief? Warmth? I'm not sure what to call it but my body felt at peace. I opened my eyes and saw a familiar cove surrounding me, a special cove that—

"Mae govannen Melda." I turned and right there sitting over me was Haldir.

"This is a dream." I said. A soft smile came across his lips and he spoke softly as he leaned closer to me.

"Then it is a good dream." His lips softly captured mine. That familiar touch of his soft, warm lips set not only a flutter in my stomach but eased my heart and mind. I reached up and touched his cheek stroking it as he separated from me, our eyes locked firmly at each other.

"I—I thought......."

"Be at peace Hela. You've been through a lot these last several months." He shushed me as he gingerly stroked my face.

"You have no idea." I said as I moved closer to him resting my head on his chest. His arms immediately wrapped around me. "Why can't the world simply be like this for all time?"

"Because without perils and trials, we can never truly be one. Whether mortal or immortal beings. And that is why I have come to you now."

"What do you mean my beloved?" I looked up to him and his eyes held a solemn look.

"You cannot stay here."

"Why not? I-I can finally give you my answer. After all these years I've left you waiting for a response to our engagement."

"Then tell me when you actually see me." He reached up and gently wiped a tear hidden at the corner of my eye. "We will meet again. Just not here, not now. But soon my starlight. For now, you must wake up." He leaned forward and gave my forehead a lingering kiss as his voice spoke to me telepathically. 'May the Grace of the Valar protect you.'

I let out a gasp and saw myself in a room of sorts. Pain spread all over my body as I let out a groan and pressed my head against the pillows.

"At last, you've awaken." A female voice spoke up. I turned and saw a She-elf with very long red hair, she wore a green uniform and brown archer gauntlets on her forearms. I noticed the gleam from her daggers that stood against her back. She turned to face me and saw that her eyes held nothing but sharpness in them, much like her daggers.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now