Chapter 18; Entering Laketown

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*Author's note*

Now this chapter's a bit shorter than the others but never fear the next chapter will be up in just a few minutes once this is posted. Things are now gonna get heated up and very tense for the next few chapters because something is happening to Hela, something down right–chilling. Will she be alright? Can she overcome it? Read on and find out.


We continued down the lake of the town. Not much has changed since last I was here, except maybe more people and maybe even filthier docks. When Bard stopped his barge, he helped me up and said.

"Keep the disguise until we reach home. The Master has had it out for you when you were here last time."

"Not surprising. And I'll keep it up as long as I can. But might as well get rid of the wounds." I dropped the bloody illusion and now to anyone else I would appear as a normal She-elf of Mirkwood. He walked over to one of the barrels and nonchalantly kicked it over. Nori soon came coughing out as he pulled himself out from under the fish weight.

I knocked over two barrels and Fili and Kili came out gagging and sputtering out in disgust.

"Just remember to bathe before any of you begin to embrace me." I advised them. When they looked at me at first they were confused as to why an Elf was lecturing them but I gave a flicker of my real eye color to them before reverting back to my disguised blue eyes.

"Hela?" Kili asked wanting to confirm.

"Yes. But for now, call me Auriel. Now come on we must hurry." The others soon sprouted up from their barrels like flowers growing from the soil. I went over to Bilbo and helped him out of his barrel brushing off any fish guts that clung to him.

"You didn't see them, they were never here." Bard said as he paid a man who was right by us. "The fish you can have for nothing." Bard then led us on telling us to stay close as we navigated through Laketown.

Bard waited at the corner of a shop and looked around to make sure the coast was clear. When it was he told us to follow him. Bilbo looked around and asked.

"What is this place?"

"This Bilbo Baggins, is the World of Man. Laketown to be specific." I told him as I wrapped an arm around him and guided him and the others across the docks.

Hundreds of people were out and about doing their normal chores, duties and work. The World of Men is a chaotic scene filled with everyone demanding payments for goods, dogs walking along eating the scraps, and wearing clothes that looked like they had been dragged through the mud and washed with nothing but piss and tar.

Bard and I quickly and discreetly guided the Company through the files of people trying to avoid the sights of any guards that wanted to stir up trouble. But it did not last forever as one guard spotted us and ordered us to halt.

Thorin then ordered his company to run and follow behind him. Bard and I were taken back for a second but I raced after them. Running through the crowd and dodging various shops kept close together until I saw the one thing I really didn't wish to see. Thorin and his company taking out the guards one by one until they were knocked unconscious.

"Still care to vouch for them?" Bard said sarcastically.

"Can't ever change the stubbornness and niche to fight that Dwarves are born with. But I think I might have an idea to help clear this up." Once they handled the guards, the crowd of people watched in awe as they crowded around us but then cleared out back to their duties as more guards came around, including the Captain of the Guard Braga.

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now