Chapter 24; Exodus from Laketown to Dale

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*Author's note*

And here is the last chapter I'll post for the night, hopefully I can post more for this weekend, maybe even finish off what I've written for the BOTFA movie until we reach the final stretch of the Hobbit part of my Celestial story and then I can start posting up what I've gotten so far on LOTR plus some additional oneshots whenever I get around to them. So hope everyone enjoys these chapters tonite or this morning/afternoon (depending on where you live) and until next time.


I was helping two men with their gravely wounded father onto a stretcher made of branches and an old cloth.

"My lady Celestial, can't you use your magic to heal our father?" the youngest man of 20 asked me.

"I wish I could dear one, but my powers still aren't at full capacity. Hopefully when we find shelter they'll be back. For now just keep an eye on his wounds and if they open back up, come find me." The men nodded before picking their father's stretcher up and walked along.

I walked around to see what other services I could offer to the people, that's when Tauriel's voice said to me.

"How are you feeling?" I turned to her and said.

"My strength returns. However my connection to my Celestial magic is—it feels like it's being blocked."

"What do you mean?" she asked me with a furrowed look in her eye.

"Imagine a small stream running like normal. The soft current following the path like it's meant to do. Now place a giant rock, large and wide enough to block out the water. Much like a dam. However instead of the water on one end of the rock building up higher and higher, it's diminishing. Bit by bit until there's nothing left."

"Are you fearing that you're turning mortal?"

"Truthfully I don't know Tauriel. All I do know is that my connection to my siblings magic is completely severed."

"Could it be because of—" she dared not even mention his name. Even for a young elf, I knew she must've read up on the battles of old, enemies that should've stayed buried but have now returned to Middle Earth.

"Why did you and Legolas come to Laketown, Tauriel? I may have been out of it, but I know you were there to save my friends and godchildren from the orcs that came."

"The King may be wise but he has never allowed orc filth to cross our borders and kill our people. I, like you must have, have felt the darkness that is spreading upon these lands. And if my King should have his way, we would do nothing. We would hide within our walls, live our lives away from the light, and let darkness descend." I nodded solemnly. "Also I—had to make sure my friend was okay." I looked up at her.

"And just who is this friend you speak of?"

"She's a fearsome warrior. Some would claim her to be a deity. But she also saw me as more than some lowly Silvan elf. Made me feel—worth more than I could possibly imagine. However I—fear that she may not see me as that anymore." She looked down, her eyes gleaming with shame.

I walked up to her and took her hands in mine. She looked up at me and I said to her in Elvish.

"No. She doesn't. Nin mellon." A small smile spread across her face and I leaned forward and pressed my forehead against hers, even pressing my nose against hers. An affectionate gesture between Celestials for it brings us closer to draw in each other's very souls for comfort and guidance.

I separated from her and patted her shoulder comfortingly just as I saw Legolas come up to us.

"Tauriel could you leave me and your prince to talk alone?" she turned to Legolas who gave her a brief nod but kept his eyes fixated on me. Tauriel walked off but I knew she kept a good distance in case anything happened. "I know what it is you wish to ask me. Even through your harsh exterior you're putting up again, I've seen it all before."

THE CELESTIAL AND THE COMPANY *A Hobbit fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now