Chapter 6 The Art of Being Polite

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So, I still didn't find out the identity of Peter Pan. I also felt bad for not being able to thank that mysterious guy who came to my rescue at the bar. I was too preoccupied at the time, but maybe if I had paid attention I might have identified him. I didn't even see his face... I tried to hear his voice in my head to see if it matched the guy at the supermarket and the guy from last night...

She said she's not interested.

You should've carried a basket.

Face it, dove, I've sparked your interest.

I couldn't tell if it was the same voice, ugh, this was so frustrating! I was becoming paranoid over a voice, kinda like Eric with Ariel. Maybe a lotta Brits sounded the same. Maybe I was simply jumping to conclusions and misinterpreting coincidences. Either way, why did it even matter to me? Why was this guy enveloping my brain and seeping into every thought of mine? Why did my heart pump at the mere thought of him?

Face it, dove, I've sparked your interest.

Dang it, he did! Which meant I wouldn't be able to rest until I met him face to face. I had to find out. Was he the guy at the supermarket? Was he also the guy who saved me at the pub? If he was, how'd he know I'd be there? Was he following me?

These were the questions that swirled in my brain.

"You're late Alyssa!" Gwan's shrill voice broke me out of my trance. Ugh. face storm now, ponder Peter Pan later. Gwan had cornered me after I returned home with Henry (after a relatively long drive around the country). Helena looked like a cat who swallowed the cream as I entered the parlor. No doubt she had given a full, possibly exaggerated report of what happened to get me in trouble. Why? I don't know, I don't have issues unlike her.

"You left your cousin in the store without leaving any word! Of all the irresponsible—" I found my attention waning as Gwan continued to rant. Sometimes she reminded me a bit of Mom but I really hoped Mom wouldn't become like her; thankfully, she took after Pops.

"Therefore I've decided on a suitable punishment for you. You will be grounded in your room until further notice, Alyssa!" Gwan's ending note brought me back to the present.

"What? No way, you can't tell me what to do!" I flared up.

"Oh, can't I? You'll do exactly as I say! Now go to your room, Alyssa!" I glanced at Helena's smug face and Henry's apologetic one and tears of anger filled my eyes. I turned and retreated to my room before they could fall. I locked myself in and snuggled on my bed, hugging a pillow. First I'm banished, then I'm grounded. Day two and I already felt miserable; what was I going to do? No way could I keep bending to Gwan's inflexible will and rigid rules. And Helena would do anything to get me in trouble.

"I wanna go home," I cried to myself. "I can't stand being here." But home was impossible to get to; I was stuck in this medieval purgatory for the time being.

I went to the window and opened it for some fresh air. At least it soothed the 'trapped feeling' a little. I could even smell the roses in the garden below. The night sure was refreshing—

"You!" I suddenly gasped as I looked down and saw a figure in the garden, harvesting the roses. He wore dark clothes but even then I could recognize the tall, sylphlike figure. It couldn't be anybody else. He looked up at me upon hearing me. If only the moon hadn't hidden itself behind the clouds just then! I strained to make out his face but all I could see were those silver eyes, though I felt like he was grinning at me.

"Hey, wait!" I called, as I watched him stroll off. He merely turned, gave me a sparkly-toothed smile, and vanished. Blast, if I hadn't been trapped in my room I would have finally been able to tackle him! Now I'd have to wait till tomorrow. He won't escape me again.

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