Chapter 16 After the Ball

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Caution! Hot chapter, handle with care

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Caution! Hot chapter, handle with care. 🥵🔥❤

It had rained a little earlier and the sky was heavily overcast with dark, spruce blue and slate-colored clouds, scurrying away as a humid wind spurred them on. The roads below us glistened with the remains of raindrops, sparkling under the streetlights. After a good few minutes zipping through the streets of London, I patted Daylen's shoulder to get his attention.

"It's pretty cold back here without a jacket, do you intend to stop soon?" I asked loudly over the rush of wind.

"Just a little further, I promise." He replied, and I hugged him closely for warmth, trying to visualize a warm sunny Venice beach to deal with my teeth chattering. After a bit, he slowed down and stopped outside—no way, a Costas?! In London?! Sweet Mother, it's like the promised land!

"Wait here. And wear this." Daylen said as he got off his bike and removed his jacket, passing it to me to wear. Oh man, it was two layers of thick fleece and leather and it had absorbed his body heat! I relished the feel of it on my skin as I put it on. Daylen returned in five minutes with two takeaway cups and a paper bag swinging around his wrist. Did he get that for me? He passed me one of the cups.

"Take a swig, it'll cut the chill immediately," he instructed. I obeyed and sipped from the cup, tasting delicious, steamy vanilla-flavored coffee.

"Hmm... This is great! What's it called? I don't think I've ever tasted it before."

"It's a vanilla cappuccino." Daylen's lips quirked up in a smile. "I wasn't sure if you were partial to the americano or not so I got both just in case." He held up his cup. I stared at him.

"How—thoughtful. Thanks." My voice trailed off as I wondered why he was suddenly acting like this. It felt out of character from the impression I got of him. Although it somewhat conceded with the affluent kisses he gave me earlier...

I watched him as I sipped the coffee, wondering how he didn't feel cold in just a shirt. He must be used to it, I concluded. Brits do seem comfortable in low temperatures.

"Are you done? Let me get that for you," he said when he saw me drain my cup. Is this his real personality? I wondered as I watched him dispose of the cups. He seems more... considerate than before.

"Are you warmed up now?" He asked. I nodded.

"Then let's take a walk." He offered me his hand.

"Now? Around here?" I asked, looking doubtfully from left to right. "But it's pretty late and what if it rains again?" I hated getting wet.

"Trust me, it won't," he said assuredly with a glance at the sky. I hesitated for one more moment before following him. We barely walked a few minutes before I found myself walking along the London Bridge. Wow, I've only ever seen this place in pictures. It was gorgeous all lit up.

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