Chapter 39 Forbidden Love

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While everyone settled into the parlor for tea, I kept an eye out for my heartthrob—oooh, just wait till I get my hands on him! I couldn't believe he had known all about this since last month

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While everyone settled into the parlor for tea, I kept an eye out for my heartthrob—oooh, just wait till I get my hands on him! I couldn't believe he had known all about this since last month. This was the surprise he was teasing me about!

I remembered his words from our date at Covent Garden—the butler hears everything—Bealey must've known Gwan planned this with Mom since then while I was in the dark! No wonder Daylen knew the special guests were for me. That's whom all the extra food was for. And that's what put Gwan in such a good mood with me! Talk about a holly, jolly Christmas.

And that wasn't even the best part, amazing though it was spending Christmas with my whole family—I could finally introduce Daylen to my folks in person! EEEP! I was super stoked and quivering in anticipation. I guess that's why Daylen put off meeting them on a video call, he knew they'd show up! I didn't know whether to get mad at him for not telling me or get my hands all over him... better the latter.

"So, Maggie dear," Gwan began primly while we were all seated in the parlor, "how long will you be staying?"

"Three weeks Mummy, think you can put up with us for that long?" Mom replied with an innocent countenance. Ha, she was just like me when it came to dealing with Gwan. Dad coughed and spoke up, pouring oil on the troubled waters.

"What my wife means is, it's kind of you to put us all up for three weeks, Mom." Gwan blinked, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Yes, well, after all, you're family. You're welcome to stay as long as you like. Since you've deigned to grace this house with your presence after almost three decades, the least I can do for my own flesh and blood is welcome you back." Ouch. From Gwan's tone, it sounded like Dad was the street urchin she took in and would've liked to turn him out of the house... and she's talking about welcoming. The irony.

"And it is especially good to see my eldest grandson again." Gwan actually manufactured a smile as she turned to Tony who came and hugged her. Ugh, favoritism. I saw even Henry's smile falter a bit at that.

"Nice to see you too, Gran," Tony said with a charming smile. When he returned to his seat, I mouthed 'suck-up' to him but he playfully stuck his tongue out at me without anyone seeing. I rolled my eyes; same old Tony.

"I hope you'll be attending my Grand Christmas Gala," Gwan began, staring pointedly at Mom, "it's the least you can do since you've returned." Mom looked bored to tears.

"Goodness Mummy, and here I am without my fancy ball gown." Oooh, it was hilarious watching Mom interact with Gwan the same way I did. Apparently, Mom hadn't gotten over Gwan's nitpicking and nagging and the old lady still got under her skin.

"Ahem, Mags," Dad whispered in her ear and laid a hand on her shoulder. She let out a breath.

"Right, I suppose we'll be there... if we have absolutely no choice." She muttered the last bit under her breath. Dang, Mom and I were like two peas in a pod. No matter how mature she got, Mom still twitched when Gwan irked her with her snide remarks.

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