Chapter 28 Heartbreak and a Heartthrob

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My greatest adventures started when Daylen came into my life, flying in through my window. And he gave me wings to fly places I'd never been. If I had any doubts about what love was before, I didn't anymore. And it was all because of my new British boyfriend and sweetheart, Daylen. With him, I experienced feelings I never knew; traveled depths I'd never been to. I felt like John Smith, being shown a new world by Pocahontas. Daylen did that for me.

I'm not saying my relationship with Kevin had been pale in comparison, no. Kevin was my first boyfriend, my first everything. But maybe that was just young love, infatuation. We'd been crazy about each other, but we might not have learned to care for each other like adults yet. Daylen had matured on a whole other level because of what he'd been through with his mom; sacrifice and hardship made him a man and taught him to love like a man. And I wanted to be the woman who'd take care of his heart.

Which meant one thing; I had to say goodbye to Kevin. Bid farewell to my teenage romance, leave the sweet memories behind, and move forward. Because I found a new love in a place I never expected, a love I wanted to keep. And because my love was a very mature Peter Pan, it was time for me to grow up. And so I made my decision.

I was going to break up with Kevin.

I woke up nice and early alone in bed, feeling nervous as my decision replayed in my mind. How does one orchestrate a breakup? I've never done it before... how do you say goodbye to the person you once loved? Not that I wouldn't still love Kevin from afar as a friend but... saying goodbye to him would also be saying goodbye to the choice of me returning to Venice. I wouldn't be going back after a year as Mom said. I wanted to complete my degree at King's with Daylen; that meant staying for another four years. Was I ready for that?

The thought of Daylen made me think 'Heck yeah!'. So did the adorable note he left me.

My heart cannot wait for a date with my darling dove, my sweet soulmate.

Such a romantic Romeo.

Daylen made me rethink my whole life's goals. Four years at King's and then, who knows? As long as I was with Daylen, nothing else mattered. I got up, brushed my teeth, and did a little more thinking. This was a serious life decision to make, I needed to dedicate a good amount of thought to it. I'd break up with Kevin, tell Trini, tell Mom and Dad, then introduce Daylen to them... Whoa. I wonder what they'd say if I knew I had a British boyfriend.

As I got dressed, a little stab of pain filled my heart at the thought of never seeing Kevin again; I mean, we had four years of history under our belts, could we end it in one day?

Hmm, most people did.

"And it isn't fair to either of them..." I voiced to myself as I tied my shoelaces. "I'm stuck in the middle if I keep hanging onto Kevin while trying to move on with Daylen..." There was a familiar knock at the door and I smiled. "Speak of the heartthrob..." I opened the door to be greeted by a serene 'good morning' kiss from Daylen.

"Morning, dove." His smile glittered at me like the sun at dawn.

"Morning Peter Pan," I greeted him back with a beam.

"You ready for our date?"

"Already?" I asked in surprise. "It's only seven thirty, I haven't even had breakfast! And I was going for a morning walk..." I pointed to my comfy sweats and sneakers. A crooked smirk played on Daylen's lips.

"And you're going out with two different shoes?" He asked. I looked down at my feet and squealed.

"Yikes! How did I not see that?!" I hurriedly sat down on my bed, kicking the offensive wrong shoe off. Daylen chuckled.

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