Chapter 18 The Haunted Mansion

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Content warning: this might be a bit frightening

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Content warning: this might be a bit frightening.👻

The day passed in a haze. I often stopped by bus stands to rest my legs between walks before trudging onward without a purpose. I guess you could say I was depressed. I lost Daylen (more like I pushed him away), got humiliated in front of everyone at the residence and probably even lost my boyfriend. At least I felt sure Trini would understand me. I'd call her right after Kevin later. I would've called sooner if it weren't for that darn time difference.

I stopped by a church out of habit. Sundays were always a family day back home. Mom always made it a point to see that we never strayed from the right path. After church, I'd hang out with Kevin, Trini, and all our friends. I tried to defuse the pang of loneliness that clenched my heart as I missed home again.

I wandered around so far I finally came up in front of a welcoming sight—McDonald's. I traipsed inside, the familiar smell of burgers lifting my spirits. I missed lunch and it was pretty late. I just realized I was starving. I ordered a quarter pounder with cheese—Kevin's favorite. We always used to get them after a big match, especially if he won it. Which was often.

I felt nostalgic as I bit into it, closing my eyes and remembering the good times with Kevin. Even though we didn't quite share what I had with Daylen, Kevin had been my center point for the last four years. I knew he cared for me. We had so much history; how could I throw that away for a fleeting spark with Daylen? That too in a country I'm dying to get out of and never see again?

I left the place feeling a little less miserable and more optimistic now that my stomach was full. Maybe I didn't lose Kevin; maybe there was still a chance. I could call him now, it was almost noon and he'd be up.

I found a bus station up ahead and went and sat down. I dialed Kevin's number. There was no answer. I tried calling four times and got the same response—his voicemail. I sighed, leaving a message.

"Kevin? It's me, Lys. I know you're probably really mad with what you saw but please, hear me out. It's not what you think. Nothing happened, okay? Kev, I'd never do something like that to you. I—I miss you like crazy, it's killing me. Please, call me when you get this, okay?" I hung up, staring hopelessly at the pavement. If Kevin was not answering it means he was still fuming. He did have a bit of a temper. I'd give him time to cool off, that's all I could do.

I tried Trini next but there was no answer. But I saw a text message from her saying she was at a medical convention with her mom—she was a pediatrician—and would call me later.

I glanced at my watch. It showed eight oh seven. It was dark already and I was dog-tired. Must be all that walking. I'd better go back and hit the hay.

I dragged my feet back to Angel Lane, feeling relieved when I finally drew near. The road was unusually quiet and devoid of cars. Must be a typical weekend thing.

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