Chapter 30 Dove at Dover

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Sometimes a simple shower can make you feel like a new person; as I stepped out of my bathroom squeaky clean, I felt all my troubles had been washed away down the drain. I wasn't gonna look back and be depressed. I chose to 'keep moving forward' as Walt Disney said. After all, I had Daylen.

I went to my wardrobe, hunting for something that would make his jaw drop. I had to 'wow' him after everything he did for me.

I settled on a sand-colored, tight-fitting sweater dress with a short flared skirt and my knee-high suede brown boots, cowgirl style. The outfit screamed sexy slash cute and was sure to blow Daylen's mind. Plus, it was fall-fashion worthy. I paired it with my burgundy leather jacket for warmth and some drop earrings. Thankfully, the redness cleared up from my eyes.

I was a new woman, ready to impress my amazing sweetheart

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I was a new woman, ready to impress my amazing sweetheart.

It was already around eleven by the time I went downstairs. Daylen told me to wait in the lobby, he had to go pick something up. I took a seat, dusting off my nails, waiting. Laurel and her posse came downstairs just then, chatting. Her face immediately turned sour as limes upon seeing me.

"Oh, it's you. What, don't you have a life on Saturdays that you have to sit around moping here? Or is it that you don't have any friends?" Her voice dripped with disdain; I was about to shove it in her face that I was waiting for Daylen when Hugo walked in. Ugh, and the dipstick was making a beeline for me, with a toothy grin on his face.

"Alyssa! Always a pleasure seeing you here." He sounded too chirpy.

"Er, I live here," I replied bluntly.

"Yes, and I say it's a shame. We ought to have lived next door to each other, then I could have seen you every day—you look especially smashing today." Bile rolled in my mouth as I felt him mentally undress me from his undisguised ogling. I did not dress up for that dipstick to drool over me. I need to get out of here.

"Yeah, it's such a shame," I said with sugary sarcasm as I stood up, "but I have better things to do so, see ya."

"Don't run off so soon, darling," Hugo grabbed hold of my hand to stop me—I hated when he did that! "Why don't you join us today? We're catching a movie and I can get you a prime seat next to me." He waggled his eyebrows at me.

"Hugo, I absolutely will not have her tagging along with us!" Laurel protested, tapping her foot on the ground. Like I wanted to spend the day with them, puh-lease. I hated the idea more than her.

"I'd rather spend the day with my grandmother's pigs," I muttered under my breath, "but since I have a hot date, sorry, NO." I tried to pull my hand away but damn, the guy had a grip like a rottweiler. Fortunately, my rescuer walked through the doors just then.

"I thought I warned you not to get your shitty paws anywhere near my girlfriend," Daylen thundered at Hugo. He caught his wrist which was gripping mine and wrenched it away from me. Hugo gasped; even Laurel and her posse winced. Instead of letting him go, Daylen twisted his arm behind him and brought him to his knees, making him yowl like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

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