Chapter 12 Playing for High Stakes

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I walked down to the common room—scratch that, lounge

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I walked down to the common room—scratch that, lounge. It was pretty neat actually—there was a flat-screen and couches all around it like a mini theater, pool tables, a foosball table, (didn't know Brits knew how to play), and—ooh, vending machines. I might grab a snack later.

People were lounging about the place, either seated on the couches engaged in gossip or milling around the pool tables. I debated which side to join—the lazy gossip girls or the staid-looking pool-playing boys. I was always comfortable around boys at school anyway so why not give it a shot? Maybe they'll let me play. Because at the moment, I wanted to avoid the girl talk particularly since it was led by—ugh, Laurel and Co. How unfortunate she had to be at Angel Lane too.

"So it's settled then?" I drew up to the pool table where I heard a couple of guys talking.

"Friday night, mate. I got permission. We can even get the barbeque out."

"Hi there!" I said sweetly, giving them one of my sweetest smiles while I tied my hands behind my back. They turned and looked at me as if I was invading their space.

"I'm Alyssa. I'm new here. I don't think we've met before," I continued, hoping to charm them and break the ice.

"Tea talks for girls are over there," one brown-haired guy said to me. "You're in the wrong place." What the flip?! This guy was a class-A misogynist! Hmph! Well, I was gonna make him regret it in the sweetest possible way. I leaned alluringly against the table, planting myself at the edge. I folded one leg over the other, letting my legs be seen to full advantage. I read in a book somewhere that guys can't resist this—they go nuts and drop their IQ points when a woman gets a little showy. And I had a lot of 'sexy leg' to show.

"Er..." the blond guy next to him swallowed speechlessly as both pairs of eyes racked my figure. Yes! It worked. I could almost tell they were salivating. I twirled a ringlet of my hair between my fingers.

"That's too bad because I was really hoping to watch you guys play," I said with a little fake pout. These guys looked like they were about to drool.

"It looks like fun... I'd love to give it a try, if you don't mind," I said persuasively. I brushed my fingers against the brown-haired guy's hand that was holding the cue stick with a feather touch. He began blinking nervously. I took a better look at him—he was pretty average; probably the nerdy type that beat everyone at classes by day and blew off steam at pool by night. He clearly didn't have much girl experience because he was falling like a ton of bricks, or maybe no one ever bothered to flirt with him. Poor guy.

"S-sure. You can give it a try." He shyly handed the stick to me with a red-faced smile. Almost instantly I felt the entire room stop and stare. It was like no one had ever dared to do this. From the corner of my eye, the 'Tea Talks' girls stared at me in depreciative silence, disbelief fixed on their faces. What, they never saw a girl hold a cue stick? Well then, might as well give 'em a show.

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