Chapter 35 Tales at Thanksgiving

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Armed with our feast ten minutes later, Daylen and I caught a cab to Raphael's Hospital. I'd stopped by a florist on the way to buy some flowers for his mom—I picked up some gorgeous yellow buttercups and daffodils. They were like a little patch of sunshine, sure to make anyone smile. Daylen said it wasn't necessary, that I didn't need to buy flowers but I wouldn't hear of it.

"Do I have to remind you how you made me feel extra special when you gave me flowers twice?" I asked him affectionately, reminding him of the flowers he gave me on two occasions. "Your mom will love them too." He went along with my gesture after that.

I was so thrilled all through the ride I was practically bouncing in my seat! Daylen however sat rather quietly beside me, holding the bags of food and staring out the window with a far-off expression on his face. Was he still upset over his dad? I get it, it was almost a damper on our day... I was nearly afraid he wouldn't make it. Thankfully, he did.

I threaded my fingers with his and he turned to me with a smile.

"Excited, dove? We're only going to a hospital though, not exactly something to look forward to."

"Are you kidding?! I finally get to meet your mom, of course I'm looking forward to it!" Daylen laughed softly at my enthusiasm, but then quickly grew sober again. I leaned my head on his arm.

"You still upset about your dad?" I asked quietly. He didn't respond immediately but I heard him sigh.

"I just wish I could break free from him," he whispered. "Mum's hospital bills are covered now, thanks to you," he brought my knuckles to his lips, "but working part-time jobs to pay my own bills isn't easy. Plus, I still support Mum, even though Uncle Jamie shoulders more of that responsibility."

"Daylen, I don't think your dad can cut you off just like that," I said. "You're still his son. He can't very well throw you out on the streets. And where does he think you're gonna get money for your next meal from?"

"That's what he'll realize in a few hours," Daylen said grimly. "I can't wait to see what he'll do then."

"Does he know—you work for my Gwan?" I asked cautiously. Daylen shook his head.

"He'd have hit the ceiling if he did, he has no idea I've been supporting Mum doing menial labor. And I'll keep it that way until Mum's out of the hospital." I pondered.

"At least you can get a proper job after college," I said. "That should help, right?"

"Yes, but that's four years away," Daylen said dejectedly. "Until then, I'm forced to rely on my father even though I'm legally an adult. So far he's paid for my tuition and rent at Angel Lane but he's forgotten I have other living expenses." He sighed. "I'll have to work multiple jobs until I graduate at this rate."

"Daylen," I squeezed his hand, "you don't ever have to worry about bills. I don't want you to overwork yourself. You're already stretched thin between working shifts, college, and taking care of your mom. Please, let me help you whenever you need it. I'm here for you." Daylen gazed at me with full eyes.

"I appreciate the offer, Lys," he said, kissing my forehead, "I've never had someone look out for me. But hopefully, it won't come to that and my father should return to common sense soon. I'm grateful for the thought though." He gave me a one-armed hug, the chicken getting cramped between us. I giggled.

"Daylen, we're squishing the chicken!" The tension dissipated as we broke apart in laughter, our hands remaining intertwined. Daylen suddenly gasped.

"Did I put enough rosemary in the stuffing? Oh no, I forgot the rosemary! I put in the dill and thyme and forgot—"

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