Chapter 52 Heartthrob Ever After

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2 years later...

"Alright, bring it in everyone!" Dad called us all together in a huddle in front of the camera on the tripod a few feet from us for a photo shoot. I, Mom and Dad, Tony, Daylen, Lottie, and Bealey had all gathered together for pictures on this very special afternoon out on the lawn at Kings College—Daylen and I had graduated!

Let me give you a rundown of the last two years.

Daylen and I lived had happily together at Angel Lane, like two normal college students—who happened to be engaged to each other. We even moved into one big room since we were already sharing our lives in every way. We cooked together, ate together, studied together, went about together, walked Bilbo together, did everything together under the sun—sorry, cloudy London sky. It was a peaceful, carefree, happy life. We had battled our dragons, triumphed the dark days and come out victorious—the only dilemma we had was deciding on where to go for our dates every week—I think we had been to every restaurant in town by now. We'd even been to the London eye as I'd once promised Daylen. It was amazing, we mostly made-out inside.

We didn't have wild, crazy adventures anymore—but living with my heartthrob was the best adventure ever. We had gone back to being the inseparable couple as before.

Laurel disappeared from Kings when we returned the summer after we got engaged—rumor had it she transferred to Switzerland. Fabulous. Hugo and his goon gang were still around, but with Daylen attached to me at the hip, he never dared bother me—or even come ten feet near me.

Dominique became a much nicer person after Laurel left—gave up her lap-dog lackey disposition—and even hung out with me a couple of times. I heard she was dating Dexter from our dorm—they made a cute couple.

Life at Angel Lane had become a breeze.

I never went back to Ramsden after that fateful fire—nothing could compel me to visit the place that almost took my heartthrob's life. Gwan of course couldn't care less about me not visiting—I wasn't her favorite after taking her 'Wencelaus' away—we'd officially adopted him—but she did gripe occasionally about my lack of presence at her balls. It was a disgrace for her, me not showing up.

Well, she can live with that.

Of course, my holidays were spent at Lottie's cottage, they made room for me and welcomed me every time I dropped by with Daylen. That way I didn't miss out on Bealey's delicious home cooking either—although my heartthrob was my home chef back at Angel Lane.

As for Daylen's father—a serious miracle happened there. Mr. Griffith had a major change of heart after almost losing his son and had become a new man—he broke off his engagement with his ladyfriend, mended his relationship with Daylen and even started visiting Lottie after discovering that she was a cancer survivor—shockingly, I heard that they were reconciling from Daylen. They even went to church together.

Lottie meanwhile had started an intercessory prayer group for cancer patients and went every week to hospitals to pray for them and give them rosaries and miraculous medals—she told me it was thanks to me that her faith grew and she wanted to share the miracle she experienced with others. I didn't want any credit but I was glad I was able to do something that led to this. Daylen and I would join her for those hospitals visits and we'd share our faith with whoever we met there too. I could see it brought Daylen a lot of joy, knowing that he was giving people hope from the wellspring that overflowed from his own heart.

Things were going wonderfully for me and my heartthrob.

And speaking of, Daylen surprised me one night when I took his shirt off in bed to find clean, tattoo-free shoulders. He'd had them all removed! When I asked him how come, he explained the only reason he'd gotten tattoos in the first place was to rebel against his father—and now that they were bonding and having an actual relationship, he no longer needed to rebel. So he got them removed. I caressed his clean, sexy shoulders, kissing every inch of them after that—I liked them better this way.

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