Chapter 45 Everybody Wants to Be an Aristocrat

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Helena came home the next day putting on a woeful act about how sad and miserable Gwan was at the hospital, suffering acute fibromyalgia from stress, saying we all ought to go visit her

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Helena came home the next day putting on a woeful act about how sad and miserable Gwan was at the hospital, suffering acute fibromyalgia from stress, saying we all ought to go visit her. Pft, what a suck-up. Gwan can't possibly have fibromyalgia, she'd have complained about it till everyone's ears fell off otherwise. She was just bone lazy. And sated with wealth.

So when I stepped in with a little trap and asked if the 'fibromyalgist' doctor was treating her well, Helena nodded her head confidently saying yes, he was doing his best despite Gwan's 'poor' condition. I snorted at that, Tony burst out cackling and even Henry chuckled. I didn't think Helena was that stupid but there it is.

"Mummy has neuralgia, not fibromyalgia, Nene." Aunt Hildegard corrected her daughter with a patronizing look. Helena went red and huffed.

"And there's no such thing as a 'fibromyalgist', cuz." Tony teased Helena, patting her head like she was a kid. She grunted and pulled away.

"You still ought to visit her, she's so upset over how badly things went at the gala!" Helena defended. I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Yeah, then she should've behaved like a human instead of a barbarian." Helena flounced off at that. Mom and Aunt Hildegard took her report with a pinch of salt and didn't even bother discussing it further. They reverted to planning a family get-together for the new year. But that didn't matter to me right now.

Because I had a plan of my own to execute.

I had stowed my old spring formal ball gown (an ink-blue dress with golden studs) in the garage and intended to fetch it before leaving. Four months ago while packing my fancy gowns, I didn't think I'd actually have a reason to wear them... and then life happened. Oh, well. At least Daylen would like it.

Next, I just had to convince my folks that I was going out on a date with Daylen and nothing more. I would tell them I'd be late but not too late—thankfully, they trusted Daylen now.

Since I still had the key to Gwan's Lotus, my transportation was covered. I rubbed my hands together over the key in illicit excitement over my secret plans. I'd be able to drive myself to Knightsbridge in that baby.

"Mum wants you to come over for a little party she's throwing me so we'll meet up at my house for cake and a pre-ball rehearsal," Daylen told me over the phone. Well, the first part I got, but the thought of a rehearsal made me blink.

"Whoa, whoa, I need to rehearse for this shindig?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, keep up, dove, I'm trying to save you from being roasted alive at the ball." I could hear the amusement in Daylen's voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Har, har. I ain't no wimp, babe."

"Yes, but you haven't got a snowball's chance in hell with the crowd you're about to meet." What?! Daylen seemed to seriously underestimate me on this!

"Er, FYI, I hate snow, and—hello, I survived and even upstaged three of Gwan's balls and if those weren't filled with snooty blue-bloods, I haven't met one then," I snorted.

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