Chapter 49 Ire and Fire

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They say it ain't over till the fat lady sings—or in this case, until the old lady shrieks

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They say it ain't over till the fat lady sings—or in this case, until the old lady shrieks. And man, she sure could shriek.

I turned around. Doggone it, the heartless Queen of Hearts was back. And her raging red face indicated that she was ready to roast me alive.

"How dare you come here with that boy," she raved, her eyes balling out at us, "you had the audacity to bring him under my roof again?!" Her voice became shrill at the end, piercing my eardrums. Jeez, for a woman who was playing sick at the hospital for a week, she sure looked and sounded fit as a horse. And raged like a rhino.

"Mom and Dad wouldn't say anything!" I argued back, holding Daylen's hand tight. "You have no right to—"

"SILENCE!" Gwan shrieked. "How dare you talk to me about rights, you stubborn, disobedient girl! I tolerated your blatant disregard for rules and disrespect for me long enough!" She turned to Daylen, pointing a condemning finger at him.

"YOU. Get out of my house this instant." Twice in one night, and on his birthday! My heart nearly broke in half for my heartthrob; he didn't deserve this, any of this! I stood my ground, defending him to the bitter end.

"You can't order him out like that!" I yelled back at Gwan in fury. "I won't let you!"

"Gwan," Tony came forward to intervene, "it ain't right to turn out someone out like that, especially—"

"That's enough from you, Antony Stewart!" Gwan whipped around to him in a wild rage. "I've had enough of this brazen behavior from everyone! And you! GET OUT!" She rounded on Daylen again in her beastly temper. I heard him sigh under his breath.

"I'll get my things and leave, Lady Westrope." I gawked at him in shock.

"What? No, Daylen, you can't—ahh!" Gwan cut me off mid-sentence, grabbing my wrist with an iron fist and pulling me away from him.

"It's high time I taught you a lesson, young lady!" She strong-armed me and began dragging me up the stairs. No! My heartthrob needed me and here I was being taken prisoner by my own grandmother! I protested, writhing and gasping under her painful grasp. Shoot, for an old lady, she was strong! Helena stood by looking like the cat who swallowed the cream while Henry and Tony watched me helplessly. No one could do anything when Gwan was in a temper like this.

"Let go of me, you can't do this—Daylen!" I cried out to him, tears of anger burning in my eyes. Daylen turned and walked out of the house in silence, filling me with dismay. No, Daylen, don't go!

But I couldn't say another word as Gwan whisked me away to my room in seconds. She slammed the door open and practically threw me inside, giving me a hard shove. I tottered on my heels and lost balance, gasping as I fell to the floor with a squeal. Ow, that hurt! It felt like my ankle was twisted!

"You'll stay in here until you learn to obey your betters!" Gwan vociferated and slammed the door shut behind her. I heard a click in the keyhole and guessed she had locked me in and taken the key. Crap, I was trapped!

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