Chapter 51 Until Forever Comes

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Daylen and I spent the following week at the hospital—I wasn't really hurt, the doctors just wanted to keep me under observation since I had inhaled a lot of smoke during the fire and had been in a coma that night. My ankle healed nicely, however. Daylen on the other hand, was more injured than he'd let on at first and stayed at the hospital longer than I expected. I was lucky enough to get away with a few bruises, Daylen got a raw deal.

Thankfully, seeing him all wounded let him off the hook when the awkward question was finally asked—what he was doing in my room that night. I privately explained to Mom what happened and how he'd been hurting real bad and she understandingly left it at that after that.

Of course, for the rest of the time, I was by Daylen's side day and night, bathroom breaks excluded.

"A fractured fibula, a burn on your shoulder, and bruises in places I can't see... Daylen, why didn't you tell me sooner?" I chided him when I noticed he winced more often each time I hugged him. I'd only seen his cast at first before discovering the rest of his injuries. I'd also been applying a nice, expensive scar-fading cream on his shoulder ever since his burn wound healed—I wanted my heartthrob's sexy shoulders to look like they did before when I massaged him again.

"I didn't want you to worry, dove, you already got your knickers in a twist," Daylen said with a sheepish laugh. He finally told me what happened that night after I prodded it out of him—after letting me down, a wooden beam had burnt halfway through and had fallen through the ceiling on his shoulder while smoldering. He fell down and broke his shin bone after that, passing out from the smoke not long after.

"And here I don't want to hurt you more!" I said with a frown. "No more hugs until you're healed."

"What about kisses?" Daylen asked demurely. I smirked.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with your lips..." Of course, we fell silent as our lips did the talking after that. Or rather, smacking.

"You know, dove, there was a heartstopping moment when I thought I'd never see you again," he whispered between kisses.

"There was a moment like that for me too," I said in a small voice. "I never want us to be apart again, Daylen."

"We won't be, I promise."

"And don't you dare go taking unnecessary heroic risks again or you'll give me a heart-attack!" I scolded him.

"Yes ma'am," Daylen replied meekly. We fell silent for a minute while he drew circles on my cheek with his thumb. Then he raised his eyes to me.

"So, whatever happened to your grandmother?" he asked. I snorted.

"Oh, she and my cousins ran out of the house the moment they smelled fire, completely forgetting about me. Tony delayed and tried to come save me but since the hallway was already in flames, he was smart enough to call the fire department first. They, my aunt and uncle all handled the situation better. Gwan was too busy howling hysterically like a banshee outside, fretting over her estate being burnt. But she was too selfish to remember me..." I paused, sighing before going on.

"She got it good from Mom. She was reduced to tears last I saw her. I think she feels guilty for locking me up, Mom found out about that from Tony. She deserves to feel that way after all she's done. If we were in America, Mom would've sued her. I mean, it was her fault we were in life-threatening danger." Daylen nodded.

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