Chapter 10 A Thousand First Impressions

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It wasn't until I stepped off the bus that a blob of nervousness dropped in my stomach

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It wasn't until I stepped off the bus that a blob of nervousness dropped in my stomach. Fears hit me like a wrecking ball. I was a new girl, in a foreign college, from America, and probably looked like a pushover as a blonde. Like a buttercup that could easily be trampled down.

At school, I had it pretty easy. I was popular and well-liked. But that was a home crowd; how was I gonna navigate my way around foreign soil? I didn't even have a friendly face to—

"Hi!" A girl bounded up to me. Oh no. Her again. Dominique, or whatever her name was. She reminded me of Minnie Mouse, she had such a squeaky voice.

"Hi, Alyssa! Fancy running into you here!" Minnie Mouse said as I gave her a strained smile. Behind her was a group of tall girls eyeing me with scrutiny. They had noses pretty high in the air and looked (I suspected) rather disdainfully at me. Was that the British snobbery I'd read about in books? The redhead behind Minnie who must have been the leader looked uncannily like Caroline Bingley.

"Is she new?" the redhead asked Minnie with a nod at me. I gave a singular wave and spoke affably.

"Hi, I'm Alyssa—"

"Oh, American." She smiled fiendishly. There was no other word for it. She was probably biased against Americans. Darn my accent, it always gave me away. Maybe I should learn that stupid British accent and fake being English... I aced drama back in school, so how hard could it be?

"Laurel Hamilton. First-year, Liberal Arts. And these are Clover Quintrell and Matilda Dankworth." She gestured to the girls behind her and spoke as though I was expected to know them. I could tell from their clothes they came from money—probably old money and had blue blood flowing in their veins. They even had those classic sourpuss faces as though they smelled poop everywhere they went. Was I supposed to bow to these snobs? I raised my eyebrows but 'Lady Laurel' had already turned away to Minnie Mouse and missed it.

"Did he arrive yet?" she asked her. Minnie Mouse shook her head vigorously.

"Not yet, but it's still early—"

"Stop talking. I want to know the moment he arrives," Laurel cut her off bossily. I watched this little exchange with understanding. Minnie obviously knew these girls even though she was new too, yet she was their doormat. Hmph. Suddenly I like her a lot less. I wondered who Laurel was waiting for... Her boyfriend? She could just text him if so...

"What are you doing standing here dithering? Go drop my bag off!" Laurel shoved her bag at Minnie. Minnie caught it, stumbling back. She gave me an apologetic look before sprinting off. Huh. So Miss Laurel Hamilton ruled the roost. If she thinks I was gonna bow down to her highness, she'd better think again.

"Laurel, here he comes!" The girl called Clover nudged her urgently. The three of them turned their gazes to the campus gate. I was curious; who were they waiting for?

The answer came in a roar of a motorbike which appeared after a moment. A guy rode it, a guy with a black leather jacket and the most ripped blue jeans I'd ever seen. That's a lot of shin to show. He wore black high-tops and a glossy black helmet that matched his shiny black bike.

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