Bonus: Tony 'Stark' Chatroom

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Lys: Hey, Iron Man

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Lys: Hey, Iron Man.

Tony: Hey... The prodigal sister is talking to me again?

And you're using my superhero name so it must be important.

Lys: Ha, ha. Very funny. 😑

Tony: At least you think so after ignoring me for three months.

Lys: Look, I'm trying to apologize for that.

I'm sorry, okay, Tony? I'm sorry. And you were fight.

I mean right!

Tony: Wow, you can't even type the word in. 😵 That must've tortured you to admit.

Pray tell, what on earth am I right about that you had to apologize?

Lys: You were right about Kevin. About everything.

I broke up with him after finding out he was cheating on me all this time.

Tony: ...

Lys: Tony? You there?

Tony: Yeah. I'm sorry, Lys. I know that must've hurt.

Lys: Wait, that's it? Really? No 'I told you so', no ripping me to shreds, no telling me off?

Tony: You don't deserve that. Something tells me you've been through a lot.

I know how much you cared about him. Finding out something like that must've really hurt.

Lys: Yeah, it did. I... I'm glad you understand, Tony.

Tony: That's what big brothers are for. 👨‍👧

How are you holding up? You doing okay?

Lys: Yeah, I've moved on, started dating someone new.

Tony: Hope he's not a jerk too or else I'm gonna have to hop a flight to come pound his teeth in. 👊🏻

Lys: I missed that. How you always defend me. But don't worry, the guy I'm dating now is the farthest thing from a jerk.

I've learned my lesson, Tony.

Tony: Good to know. And don't worry, Lys, I'll always protect my baby sister. Even from across the continent.

Lys: I know. It's why I wanted to tell you first. You deserved to know. And an apology.

Hey, don't tell Mom and Dad anything yet, okay? I wanna tell them myself.

Tony: I won't. And take care of yourself, kay sis? Although I don't think any guy is worthy of you, I want you to be happy and safe with whoever you're dating.

Lys: Trust me, this guy saved my life.

Tony: Hmm, sounds like someone I'd approve.

Then again, what were you doing putting your life in danger in the first place???🤔🤯😱

Lys: I got pranked by some British brats. 👻 NVM.

Anyway, maybe we can video chat when you're free soon? I wanna hear about your new girlfriend. We have a lot to catch up on.

Tony: Sure. As long as you tell me about your new boyfriend. And three months' worth of news.

Lys: Deal. Just keep it from the parentals for now. TTYL, Tony.

Tony: Love you, sis. Missed you a bacon-load. 🥺

Lys: Love you too, bro. Can't say I missed you until now. 😂

Tony: Better late than never. Talk soon.

 Talk soon

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