Chapter 14 If the Kiss Fits

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"Wherever you go, madam, it will matter little what you carry

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"Wherever you go, madam, it will matter little what you carry. You will always carry your goodness." My professor's voice transported me for a moment in class as I meditated on a quote from The Bostonians. American Lit usually thrilled me but the prospect of Freshers Ball kept distracting me. I gave a huge sigh, flapping the pages of my book in front of me.

I still hadn't found a way to get out of my deal with Daylen. But until then, the best course of action was to avoid him. Which I did, except in the few classes we shared. But even then I refused to meet his eyes whenever he looked at me. I couldn't understand why he lied to me about my pencil. Nor could I acknowledge the fact that he might have a thing for me.

I mean, what about my mythical Peter Pan?

I pulled out my phone. It had been days and there was still no news from Kevin. I've never gone this long without hearing from him. Even when he had pneumonia and couldn't talk last year, we texted like crazy half the night every night.

I slumped in my seat. If only I could talk to him, clear my head, and convince my heart that there was nothing between me and Daylen! But then there was Peter Pan... another mystery that kept tearing me up inside! If only I knew whether he and Daylen were one and the same.

To top it off, the night of the ball was fast approaching and I feared that even if I made myself clear and rejected Daylen in private, my name would still be tarnished in public. I dreaded that. I didn't want to become known as the Yankee who got shagged by the playboy!

Wherever you go, madam, it will matter little what you carry. You will always carry your goodness. Ugh, I got it already! I don't want to lose my 'goodness' either! Daylen was ruining my classes even when he wasn't around. That wasn't the only thing he ruined either—I started dreaming about the guy at night. Dreams that involved me taking off his shirt and doing things I'd only imagined doing with Kevin... Focus Lys! I forcefully turned my attention back to The Bostonians.

The bell finally went and I gathered my books and walked out. I had some reading to catch up on so I headed for the library. Since classes were over for the day, I could stay there as long as I liked. I didn't want to fall behind at work, not when I really enjoyed it.

I passed by the outer courtyard as I walked and I was a little surprised to see two figures standing and talking rather covertly under a tree—Laurel and Hugo. I frowned. I thought she told Daylen there was nothing going on between them—was she playing around? They looked pretty deep in conversation—and intimate from their closeness. I shook my head. Not my business, I reminded myself and walked away.

The library was empty—so much so that the sound of my footsteps thumping on the carpet was the only thing to be heard. At least I wouldn't be disturbed.

I dropped my bag off in a chair and went to a bookshelf to browse for what I needed while pondering on a solution to that wretched bet. Finally, I decided the safest course was to be honest; I should back out of it and tell him I can't spend the night in his room. Problem was, I had to make sure everyone else also knew I backed out so I wouldn't be a hot topic anymore. But how? More pondering.

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