Chapter 17 Into the Frying Pan

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I wanted to wake up the next morning in Daylen's arms

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I wanted to wake up the next morning in Daylen's arms... I mean, how often have I woken up in the arms of a guy? Never. But to my disappointment, my bed was empty. I sat up and looked around the room expecting to see him lurking somewhere—but he wasn't there. He must've left while I was sleeping. I sighed, getting up to go shower as I hadn't changed since the ball. That's when I spotted a little yellow card on my dresser and picked it up. It was a note written in a cursive scrawl:

The light of dawn pales in comparison to my fleur de Lys. Oh, that just made my morning! I smiled widely as euphoria filled my heart, it was so heartwarming! I continued to read:

I must bid my beauty a bientôt but I will see my golden flower in the latter hours. Daylen. Latter hours? Did that mean evening? Or later this morning? Eh, it didn't matter, Daylen was sweet enough to leave me this romantic note. Who knew he was so poetic?

I held the note to my heart, touched beyond words. No one has ever written such a sweet note to me. He called me beautiful in the most expressive way imaginable. Not even Kevin ever wrote to me like this. Daylen just put me in the seventh heaven.

I showered for almost half an hour after that (I daydreamed a lot about Daylen) then made myself a sandwich for breakfast. I expected to wake up to a pretty bad hangover after the ball thinking I'd have drunk myself to oblivion, but thanks to Daylen, I felt fine. And it didn't even matter that I missed most of the ball—I spent an amazing night with Daylen. I sighed happily over my orange juice.

Halfway through breakfast, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and found a sleepy-looking Dominique.

"Dominique, hi. What brings you here?"

"Morning." She covered a wide yawn. "I just came to drop this off." She held up my purse. My eyes widened as I took it from her.

"You found my purse! Oh, thank you so much!" I should have been more worried about it but I had completely forgotten about it.

"Oh, don't thank me, it was Laurel who found it." I froze.


"Yes, at the Cafe de Paris. She told me to return it to you this morning when she found your nameplate on the inside." Mom's idea of putting metal plates with my name etched on them in all my bags paid off. But the fact that Laurel had had my bag made me queasy.

"Er, okay, thanks anyway," I said and shut the door as she walked away yawning. I rushed to the bed, dumping my bag contents out.

"She can't have taken anything... that's ridiculous Lys, why would she? Even if she hates your guts..." I told myself while frantically inventorying my bag.

"Makeup mirror, earphones, lip gloss, keys, credit card, I.D. card, phone... Phew, everything's here." I sunk onto my bed in relief. Laurel hadn't taken anything. I opened my phone and got a huge surprise when I saw five messages and nine missed calls from Trini.

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