Chapter 36 Walking in a Heartthrob Wonderland

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Snow is fallin'. Tis the season. It was my first Christmas in London!

December arrived with the promise of Christmas cheer, despite being away from my family for the first time during this special season. True, it was kinda sad if I decided to mope about it, but since I had Daylen, I didn't. I learned my lesson with Thanksgiving—with my heartthrob by my side, I had too much to enjoy and be thankful for.

Besides, I had some mysterious surprises that Daylen kept hinting at.

Introducing him to my parents took way longer than I expected. For some reason, Daylen kept putting it off although he assured me it would happen eventually. I still didn't understand why. Was he afraid they'd disapprove of him because of his past, libertine reputation? I already told him he didn't have to worry about that, I accepted and loved him despite his past. He didn't even need to bring it up, it was all behind him.

Still, he didn't seem very keen on meeting my folks on video chat.

"I don't wanna go home," I whined with folded arms and a pronounced pout to Daylen for the fifth time the morning Christmas break began. "Daylen, you sure we can't spend Christmas at Angel Lane?"

"No dove, we can't," Daylen answered me with adoring patience for the fifth time while he packed some stuff up in his apartment, "Your grandmother specifically invited you to spend Christmas at the estate and I absolutely can't pass up this opportunity to earn some extra quid this month."

"Huh?" I glanced at him in confusion.

"Money, dove."


"Besides," Daylen gave me a sideways smile, "you've got a ball to attend and a gown to go to it." Almost forgot about that. I whined in my throat.

"But still! I can't believe you have to work for Christmas and I have to spend it with, ugh, Gwan! Two weeks of misery with the Grinch! Ahh!" I groaned and flopped on Daylen's bed, my hand flung on my forehead in misery. Daylen chuckled and slid next to me, halting his packing.

"It won't be all bad," he crooned, slipping his callous fingers under my t-shirt and caressing my tummy. "No classes means we can spend a lot more time together."

"In the kitchen..." I mumbled dismally.

"In the bedroom..." He replied with a wicked sparkle in his eye. I lifted my head to see him as my eyes suddenly lit up.

"With... hot chocolate and cookies?"

"I'll make whatever you like. Just you and me, under the blanket on cold winter nights—" That did it. I shut Daylen up after that with my lips ravenously crashing against his, yanking him to my body. Mmm, sultry moments like this were what I lived for.

"Lys..." He mumbled with a smile against my lips.

"Shh, don't ruin the moment, I'm enjoying you right now," I hushed him and continued smacking my lips with his. He responded when he realized I wasn't stopping and soon we were rolling around the bed in a kissing frenzy, making love with our lips and our touches. I loved it when Daylen had his hands all over me but still maintained an ardent reverence. He never did anything he knew I was uncomfortable with, yet his playful fingers always turned me on and left me like a melted puddle.

When we finally exhausted ourselves and collapsed on the pillows in laughter, I turned to him.

"Maybe this Christmas won't be so bad after all, huh?"

"I promise you many more nights like just now," Daylen winked impishly and I giggled, letting him help me up. "And there'll be a few more pleasant surprises for you." Surprises he still wouldn't spill about. I sighed, less exasperated after his canoodling.

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