Chapter 19 Confessions at Midnight

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Henry had a posh place in London; his apartment was in one of the swankiest districts on the sixteenth floor

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Henry had a posh place in London; his apartment was in one of the swankiest districts on the sixteenth floor. Daylen and I made our way up to it in silence. I thought he seemed a bit subdued since I called Henry; I wondered why.

"Here we are. My cousin won't mind you entering..." I said as I entered the apartment but when I turned around I found Daylen planted unsurely in the hallway.


"You'll be safe here. I don't think I should stay," he said, taking a step back.

"What? No, I don't want to be here alone. Please don't go." I held onto his hand, turning pleading eyes to him. I saw him hesitate.

"I don't think your cousin will like a stranger—"

"He won't even know. And besides, even if he did, I'm sure he'd understand. Please, Daylen?" His resolve must've broken at my voice because he came in and shut the door.

"Alright. I'll stay if you want me, Lys," he said, holding my hand. I smiled in relief at him.

"Does your cousin have any food lying around? You look dead on your feet and could use a snack." Daylen said, turning on the lights and looking around.

"Probably in the fridge. Or the pantry," I said tiredly, swaying a little. I was too exhausted even to eat, to be honest. Daylen turned back to me and led me to the couch.

"Rest your legs, I'll fetch some snacks for you," he said, gently pressing me down on it. I nodded, feeling too drained to do anything else. I shrugged off my coat and pulled out my phone. The phone calls from earlier were from Daylen; he must've been really worried about me to have called half a dozen times. I sighed and put it on vibrate. I didn't feel like talking to anyone else tonight.

"Your cousin is not the best grocery shopper," Daylen called out from the kitchen, "all I can find are some Yorkshire pudding cups and shortbread." I heard him rummaging in the kitchen and soon I smelled coffee. Daylen appeared with a plate of snacks and a cup of hot coffee and laid it in front of me.

"Mmm... coffee." I moaned.

"There were some instant coffee sachets..." Daylen explained. He looked at me with concern. "Are you terribly hungry? Because if you are, I could order in—"

"No thanks," I told him, touching his hand. "This will do." I munched into a pudding cup and sipped the hot coffee. My body felt more relaxed immediately.

"It's no McDonald's, but it should tide you over," Daylen said, joining me on the couch. I glanced up at him.

"You followed me there too?"

"I had to make sure you were alright." He gave me that tender gaze again and I felt warmth spread through my insides.

"Hold on. There's something I have to do." I said, getting up to avoid the smoldering look in his eyes.

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