Harrys gf and Q&A

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Dont wanna read it? Skip to the bottom to find out if you are Harry's new GF. Btw there's no new chapter tonight as I will be out sorry! There will be one tomorrow x

what is your favorite movie?

My favorite movie? Ugh I can't choose! I recently watched pitch perfect and that was really good!

Who is your favorite 1D member?

Im a Liam girl! All the way! :)

What is the most romantic thing a boy has ever done for you?

Uhh...probably helped me sneak out of my house and then we he gave me a white rose and we just went everywhere and he got like this limo and he was just a gentlemen it was so cute considering we were so young! x

If you could pick one word to describe yourself what would you choose?

Ugly....oh haha

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Um...tbh im not sure. But yeah I guess.

1. why did u start writing fanfic!

Um well I've always loved writing. I've done it ever since I was 8 and I figured that more people would read if it was based on someone they love not just some random characters :)x

2. what state or country do u live in

I was born in England, moved to Calgary Canada lived there for three years, at the moment im back in England till April 2013 lol and then im going back to Canada but going to Toronto! Wow confusing much? Haha x

3. have you been to a 1d concert

No :( *le cries*

4. what your eye color and your favorite color

I have brown eyes :) and my fav colour is purple! :)x

5. when did u fallin LOVE with 1d!!......by the way i loved they dont know about and a i absoulty love irresistible

Awwe thank you so much it means so much to me hearing this. And uh I fell in love with 1D when they first got put together on X factor I voted for them so many times! Aha but when Liam auditioned in 2008 that's when I first fell in love with him...I used to tell my mum that me and Liam were gonna date....EMBARRASSING haha x

#1 i have always wanted to know why you wanted to write fanfiction

It's just that I loved to write its always been one of my passions and I figured more people would read a fanfiction than a book where they don't know the characters. X

#2 What inspires you to write? because i need inspiration

Everything around me.you need to have a passion for it. My life inspires me, other fanfics inspire me :)

#3 Who is your favorite member?

Liam sexy Payne

#4 Is this based on a true story at all?

Indeed it is. ALL of my books are based on a true story in some way. This one is my 19 year old friend went through alot of shit at home in mullingar and she knows Niall and there friends so I decided to kind of base it around her. Her dad is indeed a music producer and she does have a stepdad who isn't very nice....her mum and her never get along. She does have houses in Melbourne, London, Toronto, New York, and her mum is a lawyer. But obviously the meeting up with Niall and her dad dying and the Luke brooks thing isn't real haha x

#5 this is random but what color are your eyes because im jelous of people with different colored eyes

I have very dark brown. People honestly think I have the weirdest eyes because they look almost black unless you're under the right light or if you concentrate. :)

WOW THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR QUESTIONS! I feel like you know me better now! :) hehe


Ok so btw if you didn't get it this time im so sorry.



WHITNEYKNOX: I understand u really wanted this so, I am doing a new fanfic after I've done this one so if you read that one when it comes to the time and we keep in touch I will love for u to be Harry's GF in my next fanfic :)x

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