Chapter 37-Dan

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I followed Selena out and into the spare room. "He still deals with computers and electronics right?" I questioned Selena. She nodded. Her ex  Daniel, really helped her out. Selena never went into detail but she didnt hesitate to talk to me after Lexi left, which I thought was sweet. Anyway something happened with her emai and phone where this person kept doing something to her...again I dont know the inside details, but her boyfriend managed to hack and change the block ID and he found the number. Then he managed to track down things happening in the email. Plus whoever is sending me these texts, I dont want any Tom, Dick and Harry knowing about it. Especially the media. I can already see the headline now.

'Harry Styles' girl breaking down?'

I can see a whole newspaper article just about it. Then I can see Modest breaking us up....because thats what they do.

"He'll be here 10AM tomorrow. The boys have a small interview so they will be gone when he comes around." I nodded and smiled. "Thank you so much Selena." I whispered

~~next day~~

"You must be Daniel right?" I asked as I reeted the stranger at the door. He was very good looking...oh my... 

I may be dating Harry but I defintely have my own opinions about other boys.

He nodded.

Daniel was in a bllue and white checkered shirt with a pair of black jeans. His smile was dazzling. His eyes were a light shade of brown and hair was cut short, almost the length of Liams at the 2012 Brit awards.

"So what is it that you exactly need done?" He questioned raising an eyebrow. I sighed rather loudly but I knew I could trust him. If Selena could trust him, so could I.

"Uh well you see I've been recieving odd texts from a certain blocked ID number. And I was wondering if there was anyway you could kind of hack into my phone and change some things so that its no longer a blocked number..." I said drifting off slightly at the end. "Oh blocked numbers are one of the thing ive stopped doing. I almost got caught bro." He said sinking back into the chair a litte. I flared my nostrils slightly and sighed and the way he called me 'bro'

"Please come on I really need this." I said getting slightly agitated. He was my last chance otherwise the boys would force me to go to the police station and let them handle with it. And I most definitely didnt want that.

"Is it a buisness? Because I definitely wont do that." He spoke slamming his hands onto the table with a loud BANG. 

"Thats the thing I need you for Daniel. I seriously no idea on who it could be. But they are texting me and something is just telling me its a mobile number." I observed Daniel as he put a hand through his brain hair.

"Fine." He grumbled.


"So Niall, boys." The interviewer paused. I grabbed the remote control which I soon dropped at the tears that blurred my vision. "Whatever happened to Lexi?" She questioned. "Oh we didnt get on. She was a liar." Niall spoke cruely. "So you dont love her?" Niall chuckled and folded his arms over his chest. "I did love her. But then she turned into a little mons-" "-But shes doing well and we all still talk." Liam spoke cutting Niall of and giving him a

'What the fuck do you think you're doing.' Look.

I picked up the ragedy old teddy bear off the top shelf and placed it next to Rayne. She started to giggle as she pushed pressure on the bears stomach making it greet her.

She was a spitting image of Niall.

Her hair was a chocolate brown and her eyes were a beautiful sea blue...just like Niall. She had my fare skin, Nialls nose and my mouth. She was the most beautiful baby I had ever laid eyes on. And now knowing she was okay and safe was just amazing. (A/N PICTURE OF RAYNE ON THE SIDE)

The doorbell rang and I jumped out of my skin in shock. It had completely knocked me out of my thought. I ran over towards the door. I swung it open to see and happy looking Louis.

Okaaaay so yeah people were asking why I couldnt update yesterday and that was bc I was with family bc this whole big event and I wasnt sure if I could get WIFI...but guess what..? MY COUSIN GOT SIGNED TO THE SAME RECORDS AS JUSTIN BIEBER, MARIAH CAREY, FALL OUT BOY AND PEOPLE LIKE THAT!!! YAY! AND SHE AND HER BAND ARE CONNECTED TO 1D NOW!! and yeah long story haha and tomorrow I might NOT be able to update but theres a 40%  chance that I will. The only reason why I wont update would be if I came home really late bc Im going sight seeing in London tomorrow even tho Ive lived here for 10 years I havent seen everything hahaha hastag embarrasing. 

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