Chapter 44-Fuck Do I love you Horan

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I pushed open the door belonging to starbucks. I flipped up my sunglasses and sat them onto my head. "Hi I'll get a double belended mocha frappachino with a mint shot. With cream." He nodded. "Name?" He asked grabbing the cup. His eyes widened as he looked up at me. "You okay there mate?" I questioned looking behind me. He kept staring...

Was there something on my face or...?

"Oh My your Alexis Carter! Can I please get a photo with you?" I laughed. "Uh im nothing special mate.." He looked at me flabbergasted. I sighed and gave in.  "Sure." He pulled out his phone and snapped a shot with me. 

I sprinkled some chocolate powder on my frapp and as I turned around I bumbed into someone. "Oh sorry babe." I said skipping off. "Lex?" A voice said timidly. I turned around to see the person I bumped into.

"Millie?" I said almost choking on my own saliva. "Its so good to see you again!" She said drinking. My nose flared and I felt a lump arrive in my throat. "You too." I spoke quietly. "You haven't uh, changed much...How have you been?" I bit my top lip. "You really wanna start a conversation with me?" I questioned. "Uh, Im not just gonna see you and walk away now, am I?" She said chuckling. I smiled. "I'd love to stay and chat babe but I gotta get to uh yeah I have uh.." She laughed. "You dont need to tell me." She paused as I stood there awkwardly. "Maybe I'll see you arround." I nodded. "Yeah maybe you will." I smiled as I turned around on my heel quickly.

TO LOUIS- Nvr guess who I just bumped into! TTYL Mite as well gt this thing w/ Niall out the way. Luv y'all. Hope Rayne is being a good girl! Wish me luck! xxxxx

FROM LOUIS- WHO WHO WHO?! aha. Okay Raynes doing well! Just fed her...Good luck see u l8r. xxx

I laughed and stuffed my phone in my pocket as I walked down a familiar allyway taking a quick shortcut down towards Niall's flat. 

I buzzed the flat number. It immeditley unlocked. You cant imagine the smile on my face seeing that he didnt ask who it was.

I walked up till I was standing right in front of his familiar brown wooden door. "Its now or never." I whispered under my breath. 

I knocked loudly with my fist three times. "COMING!" The familiar Irish accent yelled. I gotta admit I do miss my best friends. Theres no ignoring that.

"Alexis?" He whispered. I looked up from the floor. My natural green ones starring into his beautiful ccrrystal clear ones. "Hi Niall." I whispered. He took a peak around the door frame realising I was on my own. "Uh can  I maybe come in." He didnt do anything. Just grinned from ear to ear. And opened the door. His flat was clean considering he had just recently gotten home. I  was expecting clothes dumped everywhere. 

I walked towards his leather sofas.  "So not to be rude or anything but, why are you here?" I took a deep breath. "I understand If you never ever want to see me again. I understand that but please just listen." He sighed loudly. "You got 5 minutes I meeting Sean for some beers later." I smiled. "You guys still talk after all this time?" He nodded. "Yeah we are pretty close." Niall spoke vaguely. 

"Okay well uh as you know I was pregnant..." I said quietly. He nodded. "WellTheBabyIsntLouisItsYoursAndLou-" "-Woah wait. You speak to fast." I chuckled nervously. "Well the baby isnt Louis its yours and Louis only said it was his to protect Rayne and I just wish I had told you earlier and I understand if you dont wanna talk to me anymore and I just thought you should know." I said quickly without taking a breath. Niall's eyes  just faced me. I couldnt tell if he was even breathing.

"Niall please say something. Even if its 'get the fuck out' Ill understand just please please say something.

"I have a baby." He whispered under his breath. "Rayne. Its a girl." I smiled. He grinned. "Thank you for telling me. And I wanna be apart of this babies life. I wanna be in your life. I can give you so much more than Louis. I can love you a whole lot more and-" I wasnt thinking. I grabbed his cheeks and pressed his lips to mine. It felt right. And I forgot about Louis. Because do i really love Louis?

Our lips moved in sync for what felt like forever.

We both pulled away gasping for breath.

"Fuck do I love you Horan." I whispered.

"I missed you." he whispered back.


***Two hours later***

TEXT TO LEXI- Hey babe! Pick up some nappies on your way home? xx

***1 hour later***

TO LEXI - Is everything ok? x

**15 minutes later**

TO LEXI- Come home? Rayne is being a fucking pain crying for u! xx

TO LEXI- Where are you??????????

uh oh whats gonna happen next? IDK! haha okay bye now. x

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