Chapter 39-Miss Carter

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"You know baby you have a beautiful voice." A rough, gravely voice whispered in my ear. "Thanks." I grinned as I turned around and kissed Liam on the lips. "You know what we havent done in a while..." Liam said drifting off. "No Liam not-" Bu before I could finish he had already lifted me and swung me over his shoulder.   Liam started to un-do my shirt. "Liam come on not today." He kissed up my neck softly then suddenly there was a loud DING indicating I had recieved a text. 

"Its not the right day!" I said laughing. I hopped off the bed buttoning my shirt back up quickly. I leant over Liam to grab my phone.


"Hey Liam I gtg have Zayn or Harry round or something. Love you." I said quickly grabbing my jacket and running towards the door leaving Liam flabbergasted.



"Harry im going out be back later!" I yelled through the house. "No you cant go! We have to dicuss the issue about the phone." He said running towards the front door where I was standing. "Look Harry I have to go." I said. He took a hold of my arm. "Harry let go!" I said strictly. "Where are you going?" "Its really none of your buisness." I spat. My arm started to become numb and my eyes widened in shock. "Harry let go! Youre hurting me!" I cried. I snatched my arm away and looked at him. Something was wrong. And I am determined to find out what it is.

I ran into starbucks out of breath. "You really had to choose starbucks? Of all places? Its like a 30 minute run from my house!" I squealed. They laughed. "Well we got you your frapp." Selena said passing it over. I thanked her. "So whats wrong I pbviously got your SOS." I said taking a sip of my frapp. "Well Daniel came over." My eyes widened. "Zayn wasnt there was he?" Selena nodded. "But I just met Daniel around back so Zayn didnt see anything." We all sighed thankfully. "Anyway he couldnt hack in. He tried everything. He said that this person is too protective. more than hes ever seen....ever!" I sunk down into my chair. "But..." Selena spoke drifting off. A smile appeared on my face. 

"He managed to get some files from the phone. And you never guess what the pictures are." Selena said grinning. "Do we actually wanna know?" Millie questioned. Selena nodded with excitment. "Its a bunch of selfies. And honestly you will be shocked because only Millie and Lexi knows her."

***Days later***


@Louis_Tomlinson: BROKE MY IPHONE :((((((((

I sighed as I read Louis last tweet which happened to be two days ago....Smart move Lou. How am I supposed to keep in contact now?

I was missing both him and Rayne so much. It was so hard to be away.

"Miss. Carter your people are here to see you. But-" I sighed loudly. "-Just let them in Cody." I said cutting off my assistant. "Well before I do you might wanna know who i-" "-CODY! I said let them in!" He nodded and scurried off. Really I was more stressed than you can ever imagine. It was a huge nightmare full of people with good and bad voices and paperwork that I could never keep up with. It was hard.

I heard a knock on my door. "COME IN!" I yelled as I flipped through more paperwork. I looked up to see Louis?

"Oh god Louis I missed you so much what are you doing here babe?!" I asked running up and hugging him. He seemed distant. I looked up at him slightly confused. "I havent seen you in three weeks and I dont even get a kis-" I stopped in mid sentence as Louis shook his head vigoriously as he whispered. "Stop." I gave him a confused look...

Thats until I turned around.

"Oh look its One Direction!" I said pretending to be happy. But inside I was freaking out...




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