Chapter 46-alexis..louis..niall?

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Okay before you start reading...I came on today to realise this chapter had been taken down? So if you read the Chapter yesterday you need to scroll down to Lexi's POV (The second lexi pov) and read from there obviously the beginning is gnna be different as I dont save the chapter anywhere else lol so im having to type this all over again. YAY FML :) LOL so happy reading. xx


The beautiful smell of bacon and eggs whoofed though the air. I smiled. I jumped out of the bed and opened the door and I skipped down the hallway following the lovely scent. I stood a far distance away from Niall as I watched him flip the pancakes.  "Smells good." I spoke up. He jumped and turned around. "Not as good as you look." He whispered as he walked towards me. "Morning." I smiled giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "So maybe could I uh see Rayne soon?" I nodded. I could get her after breakfa-" Niall cut me off. "-Youre forgetting about Louis babe." I groaned. "Its fine. Louis will understand." I said shaking it off. Then my phone started to ring.

 "Louis." I whispered.

"Answer it." Niall sung as he walked over to fix up the breakfast.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone. "ALEXIS WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! IVE BEEN CALLING YOU AND NOTHING AND RAYNE WONT STOP CRYING FOR YOU! ARE YOU-" "-Lou im fine." I whispered. "-Where are you Alexis?" I felt a lump arrive in my throat. "At Nialls." I whispered. "Wait why are you at Niall's?" He asked hesitently. I bit my bottem lip. I walked over to the kitchen. I placed the phone on the counter and clicked the loudspeaker button. I saw Niall's questioned face but he stayed silent.

"Sorry Louis I didnt quite catch that. What did you say?" I questioned. "Why the fuck are you still at Nialls." He spat. I looked at Niall for help. He shrugged. Then his eyes widened as he ran over to the cupboard. "Ahhh well actually...." I stalled. Niall pulled out alcohol onto the counter. I imeddiatly smiled. "I had a little alcohol and I didnt want to come home tipsy. "DONT LIE TO-" "-Look Lou I'll be home in 20 talk later k?" And I hung up.

"So how are you gonna do this?" Niall questioned as he placed a full-english breakfast in front of me. "Uh well, I guess Im just gonna have to break the truth to him. Theres no other way." "And what exactly is that, because to be honest I dont even know." I sighed. "Ray needs her father. You are her father, and I wanna try this out. See if we can make it. I dont know, thats only if you wanna try this relationship out again...Because Im definitely not going anywhere." I said as i took a bite of my bacon.



"Im heading out Harry. Be back later." I said as I stood up from the couch throwing the remote onto the couch. "Where are you going?" I laughed. "Why does it matter?"  "Because I'll like to know where my girlfriend is going." I laughed. "Look Harry I dont know what has gotten into you but by the time im back I hope its gone." I said honestly as I grabbed my coat and walked out the door.


"Hey do you know who has been sending those texts to Madison." I shook my head quickly." "Nope i dont know." I said quickly. "Are you sure?" Zayn asked cautiously. "Yeah why?" I snapped. "No reason." He sung. I looked at him suspiciously. 


"Oh Zayn im just going out i'll be back later." I said as I spun around to grab my shoes. 


I sat in Starbucks and smied as I watched my two best friends walk in. "Im buying." Selena spoke up. "The usuals?" Madison and I both nodded. "So we got your SOS whats all this about?" Madison questioned curiously. "Uh well..two things actually. 1.) The texting issue and 3.) Lexi." I watched as Maddie's eyes popped out her sockets. "As in Alexis?" I nodded. I could understand why she was so shocked. We hadn't spoken about Lexi in a while. It just brought us all down. Especially Niall and Selena. They were affected by her leaving the most.

"So one green tea and a tripple blended mocha frapp." Selena said as she placed them down on the table. I smiled and thanked her. "So whats all this about?" Selena asked as she shuffled into the booth next to me. "Two things actually." I mumbled. "First thing..Is Harry or Zayn acting almost like they have something against you or like they know something about the texting issue?" They both nodded. "Yeah its been..odd." Maddie said nodding her head. "Liam's trying not to be rude but hes definitely trying to force some infomation out of me." Selena nodded in agreement. "But for me Harry is being rude. I dont know girls. We fight about it every other day." I sighed. "Zayn isnt being rude to me hes being quite ok about it to be honest. He just wants to know if I know anything." I took a sip of my green tea. "You dont think they could know?" I asked hesitently. "Dont be ridiculous!" Maddie spat. "Come on think about it Mil. We've been away from the house everytime we spoken about the anonymous texting problem." Selena said. And indeed she was right. The boys were never around whenever we spoke about it. "I guess you both are right." I said. They nodded. "So whats the second problem about?" Selena asked clueless. I knew she would believe what was about to come out of my mouth.

"Lexi." I whispered.

Luckily Selena's hot chocolate was sitting safely on the sturdy table, otherwise I guarantee she would of dropped it. 

"Alexis?" She whispered I nodded and pouted. 

"I saw her two days ago." Maddie chocked on her frapp. "AND YOU DIDNT TELL US THIS WHY?" Selena said making the workers of starbucks turn around towards us. I gave them an apologetic smile.

"Well I dont know we havent seen eachother in two days. But the more I thought of it the more the facts became more important." Selena sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Dont be mad that I didn't tell you..." I said to Selena. "You could of sent us an SOS." She whispered anger in her voice. I sighed. "Sel shut up! Let her explain what happened!" I sent Madison a thankful smile.

"So basically she bumped into me. She didnt have time to chat but when she left...I followed her. She went innto Niall's block of flats." Their eyes widened. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Well maybe she live-" "-Dont give me that shit Maddie! Ive been to Nialls alot since Lexi left you cant tell me that every time i went there she was just a couple of doors away. Thats not possible I woouldve seen her. One of us wouldve seen her. And also SHE left. Im pretty sure she has the common sence not to live right by Niall." They both nodded in agreement.


I walked into my flat. "Finally youre home." A voice said making me jump. "Look Louis we need to talk." I said as I walked past him into the small living room. "Did you have sex with him?" Louis blurted out one question. I shook my head vigoriously. "Did you kiss him." I bit my lip and looked down to the floor. "Wow. So all this fucking time I stayed awake worried about my 'girlfirend' she was sucking off her NEW BOYFRIENDS face." I ran a hand through my hair. "Look Louis Im really sor-" "-You are so not fucking sorry. If you were you wouldnt of fucking done it in the bloody first place." He spat anger in his voice and venom in his words. He stood up from the couch and stomped towards the door. "Louis." I mumbled. He turned around with wide eyes and red faced. Tears in his eyes. I rocked back and forth. "You forgot your phone." I said chucking it up in hiss direction. "Wow fuck you Alexis." He spat.

And for some reason...I didnt feel bad....

I walked into Raynes room where she laid sleeping. I smiled.

I sat there fiddling with my fingers for about 10 minutes just thinking over and over on wwhat just happend.

"Mmmm?" Rayne moaned. "Hi baby." I said smiling. "We are gonna see your daddy." I smiled. She looked at me confused. "Yes baby you have a daddy."

Cant believe my babies almost 1....

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