Chapter 74

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Chapter 74


"Niall what's going on!?" I asked as he came running out of the driveway. He laughed and shook his head. "Nothing. Let me drive." I shrugged but nodded. I moved over into the passengers seat and Niall sat in the drivers.

"So where are we going?" He licked his lips. "Um well we haven't really been on a proper date since Rayne. We haven't had alone time. So now that she's at Maddies and Harry's what better time to have a little date day before we go on holiday?" I laughed. "So where are we going?" He shrugged.

"I don't know we still have to go shopping before we go on holiday....did you wanna do that first!?" I nodded. "Let's get that over and done with."

As we walked through the kids section of primark...yes celebrities do shop in primark...I came across a cute bikini.

"Oh my god Niall how cute would Rayne look in this?" He chuckled. "Well how do you know that the place I'm taking you is going to be hot? How do you know I'm not taking you somewhere in England?" I squinted. "You wouldn't do that to me!" I announced. He laughed. "Touché." He said creepily. I pouted. "I'm joking! I'm joking! It's somewhere sunny!" I grinned. "Beach?" He nodded.

I placed the bikini for Rayne in the basket.

It was really cute it was purple and blue. It had little purple frills of the top half of the bikini which were out lined in blue and then on the bottom half it had blue frills with a purple outline.


What was happening. We were standing on a beach and my boyfriend just asked me to marry him.

My hands covered my mouth. Tears streamed down my face. I shook my head in disbelief. This wasn't happening.

I left Zayn hanging a little while. "Yes. Yes I'll marry you."

We got back to the hotel. Zayn opened the door and immediately shoved me against the wall. He kissed me roughly as he ripped off his coat. I moaned into the kiss. My arms immediately went around his neck. My fingers playing with the little hair on the back of his neck. "I love you." Zayn whispered between kisses.

Before I knew it I was laying on my back in the middle of the king bed.

"I love you more." I whispered back taking that as my chance to get my breath back. Zayn chuckle slightly. I gave him a questioning look. "What?" "Nothing." He laughed. I raised my eyebrow. "It's just you really are bad in holding your breath!" I frowned. "Hey! I'm not a singer! I can't kiss as long as you!" He laughed and kissed me again. My eyes fluttered open and I saw my ring on my left finger. It was beautiful.

It was one thin silver band with one diamond in the middle and then about 7 small diamonds around it.

Zayn pulled away from my lips and started to kiss down my neck sucking slightly.

His tongue flickered over my skin. I moaned.

"Zayn you gotta quit teasing!" He laughed.


"I think we should have more kids." Niall blurted as I laid soon his chest watching a movie. "Yeah later on." He sighed. "No I think like soon." I looked up at him. "Rayne wasn't planned Niall. Plus we aren't even married yet." "-Lets get married then!!!" I sat up. "Niall we need to seriously th-" "seriously lets go. You never wanted a big wedding lets just go." He paused. I couldn't be more shocked then I was now.

"I love you so fucking much Alexis. We could just go." "Niall you know I would love that but we seriously should sit down and talk about our future first. Like what we see." He frowned. "Okay tell me what you see." I nodded.

"In the future I see us married. Having 5 children." Niall almost choked on the popcorn. I laughed. "Why five?" I shrugged. "I don't know to be honest. Anyway yeah and we will be living in a big house somewhere in America because England sucks more penis than the average slut." Niall laughed. He was used to my weird terms. "What do you see?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"I can see us having whatever you want." I laughed.

"Niall seriously what do YOU want?"

"Whatever my beautiful girl wants! I'll do anything for you. In a few years, hell yeah! Lets move to America! " I nodded and smiled.

"I don't wanna be an old mum either but I'd rather be married to you before we have any more children."


Loud knocking hit my door repeatedly.

"I'm coming!" I yelled.

The knocking continued. I groaned and ran towards the door.

"Wha-" I stopped in mid sentence. "Millie?"

"Let me in please!" She said quickly. I opened my door wider. She shut the door quickly.

"Millie what's wrong?" I asked observing her strange behavior.

"She's coming. Liam we have to go. I need you to drive me to Maddies and lexis now. Please please please." She begged tears streaming down her face.

Tears were now filling my eyes. I didn't understand what was going on.

"Millie talk to me first." She shook her head viciously.

"Please we can talk in the car! She's coming now! We have to go!" Millie cried. My eyes widened but I nodded.

"I've missed you." I whispered. She turned to look at me. I kissed her softly. Yet she didn't kiss back. "Let's just go. Please."


"I love me and you time." I whispered and I kissed Niall. "Mhm." He moaned. His hands rested on my bum and flipped us over so now he was on top.

He bent down and kissed my neck.

"I love you." I whispered as his hands went up my top.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I groaned. "Just ignore it. They will go." Niall spoked in between kisses.

But they didn't. "For fuck sake what do they want." I groaned. "I'll go babe." Niall said I nodded. "Don't be too long." I winked. "Won't be." He said kissing my lips once more.

Luckily neither of us were naked...yet...

I pulled out my phone and clicked the twitter app as I waited for Niall to return.

@AlexisCarter: baby girls at Maddies got some shopping and packing done today! @Niallofficial TELL ME WHERE WE ARE GOING! :P xx

"OH MY GOD!" I heard Niall yell. I jumped

"Niall..." I said slowly as I tip toed out of the bedroom. "Niall you're scaring me!" I said slowly.

I grabbed an umbrella sitting at the stairs.

Did I mention we moved into out new house?


Oh well we did a few days after I came back from Aussie land.

I ran down the stairs. "Niall!" I called. "Babe in the kitchen!"

"Niall why did you yell!? You scared the fuck out of me I even grabbed an umb-" I stopped talking as I walked into the kitchen.

"Oh my god. Please tell me this is real." I whispered.

And I just couldn't believe what was in front of me.


I updated! Praise the lawd!

Sorry guys I've just been working really hard on the fanfic "change" which You ALL should go check out for me okay! There's gonna be like three books altogether for change. Okay good commenttttt

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