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Quirk: Prime

Quirk Type: Mutant

Quirk Class: Body Morph

Ability - The user is a prime human being. They are as athletics, strong, skilled and smart as they are and never loose it. If they weigh 100 kilos and start eating a ton, they will not add any unnecessary weight that isn't beneficial to them. They are always at their best state and they keep improving from that state. They have to work for their abilities but once they get their, they never loose them.

Combat Range: None and Close

Disadvantage/s: - None

Special Moves: None

Hero/Villain Name ideas: Caveman, Pinnacle, Optim

My Input (not necessary): This is a really cocky person who can only ever get stronger and not weaker. I wouldn't really say they are a villain but definitely an un-liked character.

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