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Quirk: Amber

Quirk Type: Transformation

Quirk Class: Nature and Earth

Ability - The user can grow fossilised sap over their body. This is called amber and the user forms more of it off of the already formed amber over their body. The amber covers things in a translucent gold substance which can act as a glue or a binding agent. The best use is against a person as it can stop them from fighting or block off an access point for their quirk. The user can also build amber over themselves for defence and a stronger weapon. The user can also form sap but it has far less uses. It is a sticky liquid but amber is better at keeping items or people in place and sap also attracts insects.

Combat Range: Close

Disadvantage/s: - The amber doesn't form instantaneous so the user already has formed amber covering large and vital parts of their body. Like their hands and hair.

Special Moves: Sap String - The user forms a gunhead like construction with amber and begin to hold sap inside of it. The user then forms more amber and pushes a rope of sap outwards that lands 6 feet away. The user will create more sap and slam that end somewhere else before fossilising the sap into amber. This can make an opponents stuck or create a trip wire.

Hero/Villain Name ideas: Fossil, Amberize, Jurassic

My Input (not necessary): I personally love this idea as it is a nature quirk that isn't jus control nature or I am a tree. I like the idea of being able to tell what their quirk is about as amber will be covering a lot of their body as well. Also if this is a student, then finding more uses for their sap would make them more interesting.

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