Book Q&A

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Hey guys, with the book now officially finished. I've thought it'll be fun to just ask some fun questions about the book.

Not like a trivia question thing. Like what happened when... but just like thoughts and opinions.

Those kinds of questions.

This is one of the things that I was talking about when I said some more stuff is coming.

So let's get started.

1) favorite Shelby/Alden scene?

2) your thoughts on Shelby/Aaron's brother-sister bond?

3) which moment was more shocking to you? Shelby getting trapped in the cave or Alden getting hurt by a reaper?

4) besides Alden and Aaron, which one of Shelby's friendships were your favorite? Negan? Magna? Lydia?

5) what did you guys think of the pacing of the book? Like was everything happening too fast or was it going alright?

6) thoughts on Shelby and Maggie's friendship?

7) a character you wish Shelby had more scenes with?

And important question...

8) would you guys want me to write more short stories of Shelby and Alden? Like a short story of Shelby and Alden meeting Lance, Pamela, and Mercer. Or Shelby gives birth to Holland or Alden proposes to Shelby.


I also wanna let you guys know that I'll be posting a fun facts chapter about the book in a few days.

Again, thank you guys for reading missing love.

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