All I Want For Christmas Is You Pt. 1 ||Tony Stark/Thor Odinson x Reader||

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A/n: so, I wanted to try writing a love triangle fic—I haven't seen any for ftm reader, and I find them kind of entertaining, so I wanted to take my shot at it. Also, this is going to have multiple parts & the chapter for who you decide to end up with will be at the very end (I'm making multiple endings, and they'll all be in one chapter). 
Omnipresent pov & time skips

H/c= hair color

Ever since Tony found out you were coming to New York for Christmas, he was beyond excited.

For the following weeks, his entire world seemed to revolve around you—even the suits seemed to fade into the background. He made various lists of gifts he could potentially give you, he stressed over the decorations, insisting that everything had to be absolutely perfect. It became difficult for him to hold conversations without bringing up a story he had of you somehow.

While it got a bit tiring, everyone at the Tower was excited to meet you—most felt like they already had an impression of you somehow, but they were interested to know someone who had known Tony for so long.

The day you were arriving, Tony left for the airport in the morning and didn't bother telling anyone where he was going. The only person he ran into was Thor, who was heading to the kitchen for a snack.

Thor greeted him as he passed, and when Tony announced that he would be out for a few hours, he seemed happier than usual.

"Do you know where Stark is going?" He asked, seeing Natasha making herself a sandwich.

"Probably going to pick up y/n."

"Ah...who's y/n again?" Thor hadn't been there very long, he arrived back on Earth the day before, and missed Tony's stories altogether.

"From what I gather, he's a long-time friend of Tony's. Sounds like a secret boyfriend, or a crush if you ask me."

"What makes you say that?"

"Just the way Tony talks about him. There's something different about it, he's important to Tony."

"How can you tell?"

Natasha shrugged. "I'm not sure...but he was very excited for y/n to be here. He's been talking about him all week."

"That sounds exhausting."

Natasha chuckled. "Only a little. Have a good one, Thor." She murmured, excusing herself as she wandered into the other room.

"You too." 

Tony was back within the few hours he promised, a h/c man following behind him. Thor felt his heart skip a beat.

He found himself in a trance as he looked at you—you paid no mind to him, you were too busy admiring the various lights and decorations with wide eyes. The different colored lights seemed to illuminate your face, defining your features.

His trance was broken when Happy showed up behind the two of you with a clash as he struggled with the luggage, panting. You looked back at him, then at Tony.

"Tony, tell him I can take my luggage. I really don't mind, I carried it all to the airport, after all."

"Nope, you're my guest, and I will not allow that. Besides, Happy doesn't mind, he's going to take it to your room, and you don't even know where that is yet. I have to give you the grand tour first." Tony said, winking.

You rolled your eyes, and Thor realized now was as good a time as any.

"You must be y/n." He said, walking up to you.

He saw you blink a bit in surprise when he first approached you.

"Oh, yes." You replied, giving a small smile. It wasn't much, but it was enough for something in his stomach to flutter.

"I'm Thor. God of Thunder."

"Ah, Tony's told me a lot about you."

Thor chuckled, suddenly feeling nervous. "Really? What about?"

"Don't worry, nothing bad." You insisted.

"Oh, well. He's been talking about you, too."

"He has?" You ask, looking over at Tony who has stiffened up slightly.

"Yes. I don't know what about, I just got here last night."

"You know what, this has been great, but we really have to get a move on. Happy!" Tony interrupted. "Take his stuff to his guest room. Top floor. Let's go, y/n." Tony gestured while he spoke, but eventually grabbed your shoulders to lead you away from Thor.

You gave him a small wave as Tony led you away, before brushing Tony's hands away from your shoulders.

It didn't seem like you were a couple to Thor—he felt like he may have a chance. 

You were thoroughly exhausted by the end of the tour, so Tony walked you to your room, and made his way back downstairs without you.

Natasha raised her brow.

"No y/n?"

"Not tonight. He's tired, so he's staying in his room tonight. I'm going to bring him something to eat later."

"Please tell me you're not cooking for him."

Tony scoffed. "No, I have people for that."

"So you are going to have something made for him?"

"It's called hospitality, Natasha. Something you clearly don't know much about."

"Or it could be a crush."

Tony rolled his eyes. "I do not have a crush on y/n. He's my best friend."

Natasha raised a brow. "Oh really?"

"Really. Besides, you haven't even met him, so what makes you think I have a crush on him."

"Well, I know what school he went to, what he does for work, the names of the last three people he's dated, his favorite band, and his favorite foods without ever having met him."

"You're a spy, so that doesn't prove anything."

"Please, that's just what came off the top of the list of things you've told me about him."

"Well forget it. I don't have a crush on y/n."

"Then I'm sure you wouldn't mind if Thor brought him his dinner instead of you?"

Thor perked up. "I would be honored. It will be nice to see him again, maybe we can actually talk this time. You had to leave before I could properly start a conversation."

"Yeah, okay fine. You go have fun bringing y/n dinner. It's not like that actually proves anything." Tony replied, rolling his eyes.

"Of course not." Natasha murmured, watching Thor closely. Judging by Thor's enthusiasm to see you, and Tony's defensiveness, she knew the following days would be interesting. 

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