Wrong Name ||Hannibal||

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Hannibal reacting you you being deadnamed because I decided to make it its own chapter
D/n =deadname
F/n =friend's name

The theatre was well-lit, the music filled the room, so profoundly, you could feel it in your bones. Hannibal sat beside you—his eyes occasionally closed as he listened to the sounds of the singer, and the instruments. You, on the other hand, watched in awe—it was your first time at an opera, and Hannibal had taken care to choose one he thought you'd like.

Though, in all honestly, he probably knew—he always seemed to know what you'd like. Sometimes it was like he knew you better than you knew yourself—saw you more clearly than anyone else did.

Applause filled the hall when the performance was done. Hannibal was quick to stand from is seat in declaration of his approval, and soon others followed suit.

As the crowd dissipated, Hannibal linked his arm in yours.

"I take it you liked the performance?" He asked.

You hummed, and nodded in response, causing Hannibal to smile.

"Did you have a favorite part?" He asked.

You were about to respond, when you heard your name...well...not your name, your deadname.

"D/n! D/n!"

You froze when you recognized the person approaching you—it was one of your old friends who pretended to be supportive but "wouldn't call you that name" but was "perfectly fine with you being trans".

You bit your cheek, trying not to let any emotion show since you knew it was done simply to get under your skin.

"D/n! It's been so long, how are you?" They asked.

"I've been good, thank you." You managed to respond.

"Oh, that's lovely!" They beamed, they opened their mouth to ask another question, before Hannibal interjected.

"I'm sorry, who is this?" He asked, referring to your friend.

"Um, this is f/n, I knew them way back." You explained—keeping it short, knowing Hannibal would understand what you're referring to.

"Ah, I see." Hannibal turned to face your friend, and smiled widely. "At first I was confused—I didn't know you were talking to y/n."

"Oh, yep. Must've slipped my mind after calling y/n 'd/n' for so long." Your friend explained, slightly backing down at his odd calamity and politeness.

"Yes, it would be quite rude to do that on purpose now, wouldn't it?" Hannibal asked, smiling.

Your friend blinked at him, then chuckled, obviously put off.

"Of course, it was my mistake. Sorry y/n. It was good to see you." Your friend nodded, before disappearing into the crowd again.

"Are you alright?" Hannibal asked.

"I'm fine. They were just doing that to get under my skin. It doesn't mean anything."

"Of course it doesn't. Giving power to the lambs who follow only cowards does nothing good for the world. Them living in the past is only a negative reflection of their character. Now, how about dessert?"

He drove you home, and made your favorite dessert—he had been planning this evening for awhile, and one person's ignorance (and rudeness) wasn't going to get in his way.


The Rest of the Hannibal Cast Reacts to You Being Deadnamed:


Genuinely confused as hell as to why someone is calling you a girl's name (forgot your deadname).

Alana Bloom:

Genuinely asks why someone called you that.

Jack Crawford:

Doesn't understand why it bothers you that much.

Freddie Lounds:

Most likely is the one deadnaming you. If not, she will, and she will also write an article about you with your deadname in it (unless you're able to convince her otherwise with information).

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