All I Want For Christmas Is You Pt. 4 ||Tony Stark/Thor Odinson x Reader||

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Tony Stark's plans have never flown out the window so fast as the moment when he found out what Thor had done.

In realizing that his feelings for you were...not exactly platonic, Tony realized what he had to do. He was already throwing the Christmas party in an attempt to impress you—he made sure your favorite songs would play, that your favorite food would be served, that you would like the way he decorated everything.

He knew he wanted to ask you then and there. He wasn't entirely sure how he was going to do it at first—that was, until he remembered you mentioning wanting something. He remembered you looked at something while you were shopping. You looked at it for a while like you were considering whether or not you really needed it, but when he offered to buy it, you declined. He bought it for you afterwards anyway, so now he could give it to you. He could even use it as an excuse to talk to you alone.

But it had been an hour since the party started—you weren't here yet, but he just found out that Thor had admitted his feelings for you a day before.

He overheard Bruce congratulating Thor on something, and when he asked Thor told him (to his face—the audacity), that he had told you he loves you. Tony felt only a little relieved when Thor admitted that you told him you needed more time to think about his offer. Why you needed time, he did not know, but it did give him some hope. And that tiny bit of hope would be the only thing keeping him afloat in the feelings of anxiety and fear that he had screwed things up.

When Thor told him that, he knew he needed a different plan.

Tony's new plan kicked in as soon as you arrived. He waved you down quickly—making sure Thor couldn't get to you first.

"Hey Tony. Nice party." You commented as you approached him, tilting your head slightly for a kiss.

"Y/n, can we talk somewhere else?" Tony asked, not going for the bait. Insead, he gently held your upper arm.

"Um, sure, is everything okay?" You asked, your concern prominent.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah." Tony replied absently, as he started to guide you away from the crowd. He led you into a room he was sure no one had any reason to enter tonight.

"Tony, what's going on?"

Tony inhaled deeply. "I just–I don't want to lose you."

"Lose me? What makes you think you're going to lose me?"

"You know, we've been friends for so long. I don't know what I'd do without you. I know you don't live here, but've really helped me. You just...I feel like you see me differently, you know? You and Rhodes. You've both done so much for me."

"Okay, Tony, listen. I appreciate it, I really do—but you don't need to thank me, or anything, okay? I don't know if you messed something up, or didn't buy me a present, but whatever it is, I think you should take a deep breath and I'll help you work through whatever is clearly bothering you."

Tony took a deep breath—why was it he could flirt with anyone he wanted, but he couldn't bring himself to just ask out the man he loves?

He looked at you for a moment—he considered calling it off last minute, but he knew you'd see right through him, and that'd just make you mad. And the last thing he wanted to do now was give you a reason to choose Thor over him.

"You can't go out with Thor." He blurted out.

You seemed taken aback by his statement, but you caught up quickly, and raised your brow/ "And why not?"

"It just seems like you'd value what we have more." His tone picking back up on his standard cockiness in defense of his previous uncertainty.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You scoffed—you really had no idea where this was coming from.

"Let me see: it means I'm the one who's there for you. I'm the one who takes you to dinner. I'm the one who buys you gifts every year. I'm the one who has always loved you. He just met you, you can't just throw this away for some guy." He retaliated, not completely registering that he just admitted to loving you.

You stared at him—you couldn't think of anything to say back. It was difficult to find the right words when your friend of years had just confessed his love for you...while you were still processing the other man's love confession from the day before.

"You..." was all that managed to escape your mouth.

Tony straightened his back. "Yeah. I said it."

You nodded slowly.

"I had to say it." Tony admitted—attempting to fill the silence. "Of course I don't want anything to change between us if you don't want to. But after everything that's happened—after my dad, and the alien invasion. Everything that happens here, I'm glad that it doesn't affect you. I'm glad that you're far away. Because at least I know that if I can't save myself, you'll be miles away and safe. But then I get home, and I'm alive, and...I want you. I want you to be here with me. All I want for Christmas is you, y/n." He tried to crack a joke at the very end, but even he could tell it would age like milk as he was saying it.

You closed your eyes, and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Tony, it's just...Thor told me something similar yesterday. Well...similar in the love confession sense, and I—I think I need some time to consider."

Tony nodded. "Okay...but could you do me a favor and tell me when you've made your decision."

"Of course I will."

"Yeah, but...could you tell me first?"

You gave him a look, but you could tell it took a lot for him to be this vulnerable with you. You sighed, before agreeing to tell him what you decided to do before you told Thor.

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