Sherlock [Fluff]

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Admiration/attractive =what do they find attractive/what do they adore about you?

He admires your brain, and the way you see the world. It's difficult for him to interact with people if they don't offer a new perspective on things—a unique, fresh one. He thinks your insights and thoughts are interesting—your hobbies, your projects, your ideas.

Bond =how quickly did they bond with you/how quickly did they get a crush?

He'll never admit it, but he felt attached to you quicker than most people think. You were one of the few people who was nice to him after first meeting him. He didn't think anything romantic would happen—a part of him didn't even believe there would be something platonic, but your relationship grew, and he got a crush after he felt an emotional connection.

Cuddle =how do they like to cuddle & how frequently?

He is secretly very cuddly. At night, he wraps around you. He usually likes to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat. Though he also likes the pressure of you laying directly on top of him, as well.

Sometimes when you're sitting in your chair, he'll come over, and curl up in your lap, wordlessly.

Even if he's on a case, he's usually fine with you laying on him while he's on the sofa. He's quite jumpy once he's in his mindpalace, so you are one of the few people he doesn't mind being around while he does so. He'll usually end up just mindlessly running his fingers though your hair/massaging your scalp.

Dysphoria =how do they respond to you being dysphoric?

He can tell fairly quickly when you're dysphoric, and he tries everything he can come up with to make you feel better. He's never really sure if it's enough, and he'll often put a pause on cases when you're feeling particularly bad since he feels distressed that you're distressed, and that's distracting.

He'll kiss your forehead, and down to your shoulders, and remind you how handsome you are. He'll offer to cuddle and watch a film, and will try to keep the comments to a minimum. He usually gets you ice cream or tea, or another food/beverage that usually brings you comfort.

Emotions =how do they express emotions around you?

He is a little more comfortable showing certain emotions around you as opposed to other people (such as affection, and support), but otherwise he shows his emotions around you the same as everyone else.

Fight =are they easy to forgive you? How are they fighting?

Fights usually occur when one of you in annoyed, or just generally in a bad mood. He'll start shouting, or he'll snap at you—and afterwards the two of you will usually cool off in different rooms. Whoever started the fight apologizes—Sherlock is usually easy to forgive after hearing your reasons. There are very few things you can do that he would consider "unforgiveable", and you have never done them.

Gratitude =are they grateful in general/are they aware of you doing things for them?

He takes a lot of things for granted, but he is overall grateful to have you in his life.

For example, the things he takes for granted are you cooking, doing the dishes, tidying up, etc. He doesn't pay much attention to it, and doesn't focus on them, so he doesn't think about it. However, he is constantly grateful for your companionship. That is something he could never take for granted—he is actually surprised you stuck around as long as you have.

He wouldn't blame you if you left, but he is happy that you don't seem to want to.

Holding hands =how & when do they like holding hands?

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