Hannibal [Fluff]

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Admiration/attractive =what do they find attractive/what do they adore about you? 

He admires the way you think. He was drawn to you the first time he heard you truly speak your mind. He asks you about your opinion on things frequently. 

Bond =how quickly did they bond with you/how quickly did they get a crush? 

He became attached to you quickly. Over the course of several weeks, he started seeking you out, trying to spend time with you. He was very attached to you after a month. 

Cuddle =how do they like to cuddle & how frequently?

He likes to cuddle you when you've had a long/rough day. 

He likes to lay on his back, and hold you against his chest. He rubs your hair, and gives you a scalp massage, while sweet nothings, and promises to make you feel better. 

"You're okay, I'll take care of you now." 

"I am going to protect you." 

"Don't worry, I'm not letting you go." 

Dysphoria =how do they respond to you being dysphoric? 

When you're dysphoric, he'll try to show you he appreciates your body. He'll kiss your shoulders and say they're broad, his finger will trace your Adam's apple while he tells you that your voice doesn't make you any less manly. 

Emotions =how do they express emotions around you? 

Not very different from other people—he usually stays calm and talks things through with you. He seldom looses his temper, and he definitely doesn't cry in front of you (he rarely cries anyway), but he smiles a little more around you. 

Fight =are they easy to forgive you? How are they fighting? 

He doesn't fight very often—he finds it counterproductive. He never raises his voice with anyone, so he definitely doesn't yell. When one or both of you are frustrated, he'll always try to talk it out. Even if it's not the best time for you and you're much more emotional about it, he'll try to calm you down and get you to talk level-headedly. 

Gratitude =are they grateful in general/are they aware of you doing things for them? 

It never escapes his notice when someone else does something for him. He's a firm believer in 'if you want something done right, you should do it yourself'. But you know him well enough that when you do favors for him, it's done to his liking. He is grateful for it, and lets you know he appreciated everything you've done. 

Holding hands =how & when do they like holding hands? 

He doesn't like holding hands. He'd prefer to hold your arm, or hook his arm around yours. 

Injury =how would they act if you got injured? 

Externally he would stay calm. He would know how worried he should or should not be, and even if he knows he should be worried, that brings a sense of calmness. Internally, he is furious at the idea that someone may have done something to hurt you. And if it's due to your own clumsiness, he's worried about your health, but likely won't bring it up unless you do it frequently. 

Jealousy =do they get jealous easily & how do they deal with it? 

He would never admit it, but he gets jealous more often than he actually lets show. He wouldn't hurt anyone you care about unprovoked, but he does get jealous when people get too close to you. Regardless, whoever it is will pay the price for trying to take what he sees as his. 

Kiss =how/where they kiss you? How/where do they like to kiss you? 

He's very calculated when kissing you in public—meaning everything has a reason, and a kind of precision to it. It's usually to make it obvious to someone that you're his—something as simple as a drawn out kiss on your hand can be meant as a death threat to someone giving you a little too much attention. 

Alone, it's similar, expect he kisses you where he knows you'll find it pleasurable. 

Love =who says 'I love you' first? 

He does. 

Marriage =what are their views on marriage? 

He would absolutely marry you—he loves the way marriage looks. His ring on your finger. Your name legally bound to his. Your last name hyphenated, or your last name becoming his. 

Nickname =what do they call you? 

Dear, darling, love, sweetheart. 

Obvious =what is something about your relationship that is obvious to others? 

How much he spoils you. It seems like every other time you're talking about him, he's cooked for you, thrown a dinner party, taken you to the opera, taken you to a museum, played something for you on the piano, etc. You almost always have something notable to tell everyone that he was done for you. 

PDA =how much PDA do they like? 

He thinks too much PDA is rude. He's comfortable with wrapping his arm around your waist, or around your shoulders. He doesn't mind kissing your cheek, or your hand, but he will never commit extreme acts of affection in public. 

That, and he usually only displays PDA when he's jealous, or being territorial, so it's the only time he lets you peck his lips in attempt to reassure him. 

Quit =what's something you do that frustrates them? 

It frustrates him when you doubt him, are mad at him, have a negative opinion of him, and the like. He wants you to be impressed and pleased with him, so it frustrates him when you aren't. 

Rainy day =what do they like to do with you on rainy days? 

He likes to spend rainy days with you inside—him either playing piano or drawing you while you read. 

Safe =how do they keep you safe? 

By making sure anyone who threatens or tries to hurt you pays. He sees that as very rude. 

Time =how long did it take you to get together? 

About 5 or 6 months—which felt like forever to him, but he didn't want to appear too abrasive or rude. But once he knew for certain you reciprocated his feelings, he made his move. 

Upset =how do they act when you're upset? 

He'll attempt to soothe you with his words, and tries to convince you to calm down. 

Vaunt =do they like to show you off? 

It depends. He typically views himself as one of the bigger fish in the sea—a predator—and people seem to understand that. You have no part in that, and he does not intend on making you a part. 

Wild card =random fluff headcanon 

He loves cooking for you. He cooks for you all the time. 

X-Ray =how well are they able to read you? 

Extremely well. It's scary sometimes how accurate he is about knowing how you're feeling. 

Yearning =how do they cope with being separated from you? 

He's usually fine with being separated from you unless he has a reason to be concerned. Of course, he is always happier when you return. 

Zen =what makes them feel calm? 

Cooking. Cooking and listening to Vivaldi is one of the best ways to unwind after a long day. 

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