It Helps to Have the Company ||Ftm!Dipper Pines||

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You and Dipper had been out in the woods all day—seeking some sort of adventure to no avail. It was a warm, sunny day in Oregon—just as summer was supposed to be. The trees provided shade, and a decent escape from the heat. Still, you found yourselves tired after hours of wandering, and found a clearing to rest. 

Dipper sighed, and sat down on a fallen log.

"Man, I thought we'd be able to find something by now."

"Yeah." You agreed.

"It just feels like we haven't been able to get any closer to finding the author of these journals."

You nodded you've heard this frustration before. A few moments of silence passed between you, where there was just the sound of a gentle breeze rustling the leaves, and a few distant bird calls.

"Hey, Dipper?" You interrupted the silence once you worked up the courage to do what you'd been wanting to do for a long time.


"Can I talk to you about something? You know, now that we're away from the shack and don't really have anything else to do?"

"Sure. Is something wrong?"

"No, no. Well...I don't know. But know, I've been thinking about things recently, and I don't really think I'm a girl."

Dipper nodded. "Okay, so you know what you want to go by, or...?"

You shrugged. "I have some idea. Right now I mostly just know what I don't like. Or...I'm not sure I like? Is this supposed to be this confusing?"

" was confusing for me. Sometimes it still is, to be honest. But...I'm more comfortable this way and I wouldn't change anything."

"Oh...okay..." You didn't know what you were expecting. Maybe that he had always been 100% sure, or maybe that it was supposed to be easier to tell.

"But, um...have you told anyone else?"

You shook your head no.

"Okay, well...thank you for telling me. I can help you come out to Mabel and Stan if you want. Obviously they know about me, and they're fine with it. I'm sure Wendy and Soos would be, too. But Stan would chase them out with some weird cursed object before he let anyone hurt you."

"Okay, thanks Dipper. I don't really know what I want to do right now, to be honest. I just felt like I had to tell somebody."

"That's understandable it's nice to know someone else who is in the same boat. Or...similar boat?" He shrugged. "You'll figure it out. Just let me know what you decide, okay."


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