Mycroft [NSFW]

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Warning: If you're especially dysphoric about your chest, don't read 'B'. I'm not sure I did the best job at explaining what I meant, if you want me to change it, I 100% can, it's just the vibe I get from the character. 

I also want to put here that I view him as graysexual, meaning his attraction fluctuates, so a lot of my answers have the phrase "depends on the mood". 
(though, to be fair, the answer "depends", probably applies to Mycroft more often than not).

Aftercare (what they're like after sex)

He always makes sure to clean up. No matter what you did, how long you took, or how tired he is, he is cleaning up (partially because he wants to make sure you don't get any STIs, and partially because he can't really stand the mess). 

He brings you something to eat, or something to drink.

On special occasions, he'll run you a bath (depending on how tired you are).

Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, but I think he'd love your chest. Not in a sexual way—he likes it because it's a part of you that you don't see merit in. But also, your chest is technically flat. Even if it's not when you look at it standing up, when you're laying on your back, the part down the middle is flat (the breastbone). 

It's not something he fetishizes, it's not even something he really thinks about (he just sees you as you, he doesn't really see your body). 

If you bind, he likes that you trust him enough not to bind all the time—he also likes seeing how much more confident you are when you're binding. You just carry yourself differently.

If you have top surgery, he thinks your scars are pretty.

He doesn't think about it much because he's not particularly proud of his body, but he rather likes his hands. When he shakes someone's hand, there always surprises by how cold his hands are, and he likes that. The also usually comment on his firm grip—especially when he was younger—and it sticks out to him because he doesn't draw any fondness from his physical strength either.

Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)

Cum kind of grosses him out—he doesn't like the messiness of it, and he doesn't like the texture, and he doesn't really like the way it comes out.

He's learned how to be a little more okay with it over time, but he's still not a fan.

Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

It's not really dirty, but he doesn't like the idea of anyone knowing that he secretly likes being the sub. Maybe not all the time, but he still likes it, and he likes being praised.

Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)

He has experience, but him knowing what he's doing depends on his partner. He's very perceptive, so he picks up on what you like and don't fairly quickly. However, there are some things he's still new to.

Favorite position (this goes without saying)

You two always fight for dominance, but any position where he's able to see your expressions is preferred. While it may be a bit of a cold approach, he likes analyzing what he's doing to make sure he's doing it properly and to your liking.

Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)

He's more serious with it. He's never really felt the urge to joke, or be very teasing while doing it. 

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