Being In A T4T Relationship With Them [Headcanons] [Marvel]

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Warning for mentions of dysphoria, incorrect binding, mentions of not binding, mentions of transphobia

Transmasc (AFAB), he/they

○He isn't very picky on pronouns, but due to his publicity, he feels pressured to say he uses he/him. Then, when open about the fact that he's not actually completely binary, he still sticks to he/they

○Binder breaks? What are those?

○"Babe. Do you know what time it is?" You ask, walking into your boyfriend's lab. The one you probably weren't allowed to enter (though you ignored that rule).

"Time is an illusion." Tony replied, slouched over his work.

"I'll take that as a no." You walked over to him, and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Cuddle time?"

"Time to take off your binder."

Tony slouched in your arms. "It hasn't even been on that long."

"It's been 10 hours. I lost track of time, otherwise I'd have come here sooner."

"I've had it on for longer."

"I don't care. Take it off." You replied sweetly, kissing his cheek.

○He eventually gives in when you ask him to, because it's so hard for him to say no to you

○His dysphoria is chronically bad—and he makes it worse with sleep deprivation, and not taking care of himself

○He never tries to make care of himself when he's like this—he's kind of grown numb to it, and will push through until he has a mental breakdown. But when you're feeling dysphoric, he never makes you go out, or lets you leave as soon as you want to. He wraps you up in a thick blanket on the sofa, and kisses your cheek, telling you how handsome you are and how you're the best boyfriend ever

○So so so so so so so awkward at buying menstrual products if he's not ordering them, or just making someone else get them—you'd rather just do it yourself if you really have to go into the store because you know you can get whatever other comfort food you want (Tony sometimes messes it up if it's for you)

Ftm, he/him

○Waking up to the modern day had been a shock. Sure, he was able to pass, and after going through the serum he was able to get all the medical transition he could've ever wanted. But he was surprised at how much things have changed

○Despite change, however, he is still extremely protective of you

○He's really hesitant about you going out alone, and always keeps up with the news—like all the bills and such that are happening, even if they're in other states

○You need to remind him sometimes that you're also a superhero, and can defend yourself

○He struggles with PTSD more than he does dysphoria, but he always tries to comfort you the best he can. He usually cooks your favorite meals for you, and makes you dance with him (not in front of anyone else, just the two of you), to try to get your mind off of things

○Lectures people who deadname and misgender you

○No longer gets his period, and is slightly embarrassed about buying you products. It's noticeable the first couple of times, but people took pity on him, and he eventually was able to do it with no problem

Ftm, he/they

○You remind each other to take binder breaks—especially because when he fist became Spiderman, he definitely was not doing it properly

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