Anything You Need ||Bruce Banner||

194 10 1

Cw: depictions of your cycle, and cramps

You sat in the lab, trying to conceal the stabbing pains in your abdomen. It had been difficult to convince yourself to get up this morning—get dressed, show up to work, smile and talk like nothing was wrong. But the truth was, you had never felt more wrong—and your body had never felt more disgusting. The worst thing was, you knew you'd be feeling this way for another week.

Or maybe a little longer, or shorter. You never really kept track. You didn't really care to. 

But that didn't stop it from coming every month. 

At the station next to you, Bruce stretched, and got up. 

"I think that's enough work for now. We should probably take a break." He said—it was closer to 2pm than noon, but you noticed that Bruce seemed to be able to pull himself from his work to take breaks when you were around. 

But taking a break would mean standing up, and that was the last thing you wanted to do right now. 

Bruce frowned. "Are you sure? You've been working since 5am." 

Yeah...that's how long you've been trying to ignore this. Truth is, it woke you up at 4 and you didn't want to risk staining anything. 

"I'm fine." 

"Oh...alright...well at least let me bring you something to eat." 

You obliged, and told him your order, already knowing where he was going to go. You had only risen from your seat to use the bathroom. Even if all the numbers and letters were starting to make a little less sense, you could still go a few more hours. 

Food seemed to distract from the pain, but didn't completely help—you ended up retiring earlier than usual, telling Bruce that you had a headache. Which wasn't a complete lie—it seemed like now your head was going against you, too. 

Bruce didn't buy it, though, you had been acting weird all day. Something was wrong, though he was hesitant to bring it up. 

He tried to push it out of his thoughts as he worked for the rest of the day. The hours drew on, and you didn't return to the lab, not even to check on him, or tell him to eat something like you usually did. He'd texted you earlier asking if you were feeling any better, but you hadn't responded yet. 

It was 8pm when he decided to stop working. He made his way to the kitchen, and found you filling up a water bottle. 

"Hey." He said, deciding to make is presence known. 

You turned your head quickly, visibly relaxing once you saw him. "Oh, hey." 

"Are you—are you feeling any better?" He asked, not wanting to overstep a boundary. 

"Not really. Thanks." You admitted, turning the water off, and screwing on the lid. Only then did he notice the rise of steam coming from the bottle. 

" you need anything?" 

You laughed dryly at the question, but shook your head, and started to walk away. He felt like he should say something—he wanted to say something—but when he opened his mouth, no words came out. And you didn't notice because you were already gone. 

Bruce sighed, and made himself something to eat in the kitchen, still thinking about seeing you again. He kept trying to come up with an excuse other than seeing if you were okay—but the truth was that seemed to be the only thing that could occupy his mind now. 

Once he was done eating, he gave in to his thoughts, and headed to your room. He knocked on your door, and waited for your permission to enter before doing so. 

"Hey." He said, closing the door behind him as he hesitantly made his way to your bed. 


"Could—do you mind telling me what's wrong?" 

You sighed. You were curled up in bed, he assumed around the warm water bottle, with the blankets burritoed around you. 

"I told you. It's nothing." You replied defeatedly. 

"Okay...can you at least tell me how I can help." 

You shook your head. "Unless you want to pay for me to have a hysterectomy." 

"I'm afraid Tony would be able to do that more than me. Why didn't you just say you were on your period? I would've given you the day off." 

You shrugged. "Working helps sometimes. It's just really painful right now. Plus, guys don' know..." 

"That's not true." He murmured, sitting on your bed. 

"Yeah, it is. It's okay to admit." 

Bruce shook his head. "No, you're just saying that because you're in a bad mood. You know it's not true." 

"I don't really care. I just don't want to have it anymore. I don't want to feel like this anymore." 

Bruce reached out, then hesitated before eventually allowing himself to rub your shoulder, in what he hope was a reassuring gesture. 

"I can try to help you. However you want." He whispered. 

You nodded. There was a moment of silence that passed between you two, Bruce could tell you were thinking something, but couldn't build up the courage to ask what. 

"It may sound silly, but could you lay here with me?" 

"Oh, uh...sure, o-of course." 

"You don't have to if you don't want." You grimaced, seeing how thrown off guard he was. 

"No, no. It-it's fine." He said, situating himself next to you. 

It took a while, but eventually you made him roll over so that he was facing away from you, and ended up being the one spooning him from behind. You held him tightly, but still made sure he could easily get out and leave if he became too uncomfortable. The body heat radiating off of him, easing your cramps more than the water bottle had. 

"Thank you." He murmured. 

You blinked. "For what?" 

"For this. It feels...nice." 

You chuckled. "It should be me thanking you, but you're welcome." 

He shook his head a little. "I don't mind. You can come to me for anything you need." 

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