Slow Mornings ||Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes||

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"Five more minutes." The voice next to you grumbled. You wrapped your arms tighter around his torso—barely awake yourself. 

Steve huffed, standing beside the bed where you and Bucky were still very much enjoying the warmth of the blankets. 

"Come on, guys. I had time to run and take a shower. We have things to do." 

"No we don't." Bucky corrected. "We have nothing to do today. Now get in here, or get out." 

"No, you guys need to get up." 

You were thankful that at least one of your boyfriends wanted to sleep in. The other decided to go running in the mornings, which was something you couldn't say you understood. You and Bucky often joked about 'trying to be supportive about his alternative lifestyle'. 

"Come on, you can join us just this once. It won't hurt all that muscle." Bucky joked. 

You peeked up at Steve sleepily, raising your head to rest on Bucky's side so you could look at him. 

"You should join us Steve. At least cuddle for a few minutes. Please." 

You could see a look on his face that meant his resolve was weakening. You shifted so that you could hide your smile into Bucky's back, though you could tell your boyfriend next to you sensed the same thing. 

"You know you want to, Steve. It's nice and warm." 

"It doesn't look like there's room for me." 

"Scoot." Bucky said towards you. "Come on, scoot over. I want to be in the middle." 

You groaned—your spot was already so warm, and moving over would mean you have to get onto the cold side of the bed. But, you did want Steve to join you. 

"Fine." You grumbled, moving so that there would be more room. 

"Yes!" Bucky followed you in making room, lifting the blankets for Steve to join. 

Steve smiled—shaking his head as he got in. "You know I'm only doing this for five minutes. Then you both need to get up." 

"Sure. Whatever you say, Cap. Whatever you say." 

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