All I Want For Christmas Is You-Final Part ||Tony Stark/Thor Odinson x Reader||

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Thor's Ending:

You realized that you wanted well after the party ended.

While Tony had left you with a lot to think about, your thoughts kept going back to Thor. Part of you wondered what would've happened if Tony had said something earlier, but another part of you didn't. You liked the time you spent with Thor—even if you had met him recently, you got along with him easily, and wanted to spend more time with him.

That, and you couldn't really imagine yourself with Tony—he had been your best friend for years. You would be quicker to call him a brother than a partner.

Coming to your decision, you went off in search of Tony. Unsurprisingly, you found him in his lab, with ACDC blaring.

"Tony! Tony!" You shouted, not knowing how else to get his attention. He turned his head back slightly, and upon seeing you in his peripheral, turned off the music.

" have news for me?"

"Yeah...I've um...I've made my decision."

Tony felt his heart drop—just by seeing your expression, he could tell this wasn't going to be good.

"I'm sorry Tony, it's just...I see you as a friend. My best friend. I appreciate everything you've done for me, I really do, but I just can't see us being together. I don't think it'd work."

"You think it'd work between you and Thor?" Tony quipped bitterly—the resentment making another one of his attempts at a joke fall flat.

"I'm sorry." You replied.

"No, no, it's just—" Tony closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I need you to get out."


"I need you to get out before I say something I don't mean to you."

You nodded, and turned to go away—at least Thor would be happy at you choosing him. He'd be able to take your mind off of Tony for a while.

Tony's Ending:
Warning: light references to heart issues & the afterlife (made as jokes)

Tony meant a lot to you—a lot. Sometimes you'd wonder what it'd be like to be with him as something other than friends, but you didn't want to ruin your friendship. Besides, you never thought he'd settle for anyone, or actually admit to really caring about someone. Despite your apprehension, you could see that he had changed, and really meant what he said to you.

You found him in his lab—knowing he'd be there out of all places in his tower. Even when he called you about missions and just to catch up, it seemed like he was calling from his lab most of the time.

You doubted he saw you, as he made no indication of stopping his work, or pausing his music.

"Turn this off!" You shouted from behind him. He jumped, proving your theory. You laughed.

"Pause the music." Tony instructed, before turning to glare at you. "You know, in most cases I would hate to see you arrested. But if you give me a heart attack, I will be laughing at you from hell."

"Do I get your house?"

"I'm not answering any questions about my will without my lawyer present. Is there a reason you came down here?"

"Yes, actually. I wanted to tell you that I thought about what you said, and...I love you too."

Tony paused. "Wait, you actually mean that?"

You nodded. "I wouldn't say it if I didn't."

Tony smiled—a genuine smile he rarely gave anyone. It made your heart flutter. He kissed you cheek, and pulled you into a hug.

"I won't mess this up, I promise."

warning: mentions of drinking

You made your decision later that night.

A few drinks, and however many minutes of dancing made you realize that you were being so indecisive because you didn't really want to be with either of them. Not like that at least.

You had a good friendship thing going with both, and you didn't feel the need to expand that or make it anything more. Besides, if you wanted to date Tony, you would've done so already. Or you're sure you would've had some kind of attraction to him by now.

With your mind made up, you searched the crowd for Tony. You found Thor, but you decided you'd tell them both at the same time and just rip off the band-aid. You made Thor look for Tony with you.

The two of you found him on a stool at the bar, looking confused when you approached him with Thor by your side.

"I thought you were going to tell me first?"

Thor frowned. "Tell him what?"

"Oh, it turns out you're both in love with me."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Yeah, how about you say that louder for the people in the back?"

"How long have you known this?" Thor asked, turning to you.

"Only for a couple of hours, but I told Tony I'd tell him which one of you I want to end up with before I told you. But anyway, that's why I wanted to talk to both of you. I appreciate your friendship—both of you. But I don't want to go out with either of you."

"So you came all the way over here to reject both of us?" Tony asked.

"I–um..." Maybe you hadn't really thought it through.

Tony laughed. "I knew there was a reason I liked you."

"Y/n. Does this mean we will not be able to go out?" Thor asked.

"I mean, we can still go places together. It'll just be platonically."

Thor seemed happy enough with this promise, and you were sure you'd get more of a response from Tony when he wasn't trying to get drunk.


Every time you tried to make a concrete decision, you only ended up making yourself more confused. You couldn't throw away what you had with Tony—if anything, you realized you wanted more. But you also wanted to know what it would be like to be with Thor.

It took a while for you to come to a conclusion you thought you would like. You'd have to run it by Tony first, and hope that both would be okay with it. Otherwise, you'd be the same amount of lost as you were the first time you fully registered that both superheroes loved you.

"You make your decision?" Tony asked when you dropped down next to him on the sofa.

You huffed, laying your head in his lap as you usually did.

"Kind of. It's been really difficult though."

"You could've just asked me. I have the perfect solution."

Your eyes widened, hoping he'd propose the solution you came up with before you had to. "Really?"

"Of course. Flip a coin."

You rolled your eyes, and playfully hit his chest. "That won't decide anything."

"Sure it will. Heads I win, tails Thor loses."

You sighed, your hopes depleting. "No, that won't help."

"It helps with everything. I can't think of a single situation where that wouldn't fix it."

"Actually I was thinking I could date both of you."

"At the same time, or were you thinking an alternating week situation where we just take turns dating you."

"At the same time. If it's okay with you, of course."

Tony shrugged. "That's fine with me if it's fine with him. I don't even mind keeping up my side of the bargain if he decides to drop out."

"I haven't brought it up to promised."

"Alright. I can talk to him with you this time if you want."


Tony chuckled. "Of course hun. Of course."

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