In the Dark ||Bucky Barnes||

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Cw: sharing a bed, top surgery scars, scars 
Several time-skips 

You huffed tiredly as you trudged behind Bucky into the hotel. You were supposed to be done with your mission hours ago, and now it was early morning—early enough for it to still be dark out—and all you wanted to do was sleep. 

Bucky did the talking at the front desk, and you zoned out behind him, barely registering his words. 

You were looking around the building—it was all manilla yellow and brown, and it made you slightly nauseous. Bucky touching your shoulder pulled you our of your trance. 


"I said we're leaving." 

You groaned. "What? Why?" 

"The only two rooms they have left is a business suite and a single." 

"We can share a room." You pointed out, really not looking forward to getting back on his motorcycle. As much as you secretly liked the close contact, you were close to just falling asleep on his shoulder. 

"I don't think we should be spending the money on a business suite when we should've been home hours ago." 

"Yeah, but like...I dunno, I mean...we could just share a bed." 

Bucky gave you a look. "I don't think that's a good idea." 

"Come on, Buck. Do you really want to go back out just to look for a place to stay. I'm sure this'll be fine, it's just for a night." 

"I'm not even tired, let's go." 

You sighed. "Fine, but if I get back on that bike, I'm falling asleep on it." 

Bucky looked at you for a moment—possibly trying to figure out whether or not you were kidding. After a few seconds, he sighed, and walked back up the desk. 

"Excuse me. Change of plans, we'll take the single." 

As promised, when you entered the room there was only one bed. You thought it would be fine, despite your feelings for him. But seeing it was a whole other thing—your heart started racing, and you could feel your cheeks heating up. You started walking towards the bed, hoping he wouldn't notice. 

"I'll sleep in the chair." Bucky mumbled. 

You looked back at him. "What was that?" 

"I said I'll take the chair." 

You rolled your eyes. "You're the one who has to drive tomorrow. Unless you trust me with your bike." 

He glared at you guess that's a no

"I've slept in worse." He grumbled. 

You sighed. "I'm going to take a shower. Get in bed when you change your mind." 

You barely had enough energy to stay awake as the warm water poured over you. You dried off, and put on enough clothes to cover up the fact that you were trans because you never told him, and headed back to bed after drabbing a dry towel. Bucky was in the chair, his head leaning back against the wall, and his eyes closed. You tossed the towel onto his lap. He jolted up, opening his eyes in surprise. 

"You need a shower." You said simply, before getting under the covers. 

The sunlight woke you up. You stretched, and closed your eyes tighter as you nuzzled into the warmth next to you. You felt the arm around your waist pull you closer. You rolled over, wanting to face away from the light and sleep just a few more minutes. You pressed against his chest, trying to steal his warmth. 

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