Will Graham [Fluff]

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Admiration/attractive =what do they find attractive/what do they adore about you?

Your patience. You're so patient with him—he's never been able to understand it. He also admires how you make your way through the world, you make it look so easy.

Bond =how quickly did they bond with you/how quickly did they get a crush?

You two quickly found you were compatible personality wise, but it took several months for him to realize he had a crush.

Cuddle =how do they like to cuddle & how frequently?

He likes to receive cuddles at the end of a long day. He likes to bury his face in your chest, or in the crook of your neck (depending on your comfort level), wrap his arms around your torso, lock his legs in yours, and just lay there while you run your fingers through his hair.

Dysphoria =how do they respond to you being dysphoric?

He brings you a bunch of blankets, and makes the dogs cuddle up with you. It may come off as a bit awkward, but he always tells you how handsome you are. He even attempts eye contact to try to convey that he means it—he doesn't mind it so much with you, and thinks it'll help reassure you.

If you're out in public, he makes sure everyone leaves you alone for a while.

Emotions =how do they express emotions around you?

It's sometimes difficult for him to express emotion.

When something is bothering him, it may take some coaxing, is emotions go from being still, to seeming like they're too big for his body to even process. It's the way you respond to him, so patiently and reassuringly that makes him shaky when he starts talking about something.

Fight =are they easy to forgive you? How are they fighting?

He's very easy to forgive you after a fight—usually after you're done fighting, he feels like it wasn't really him who fought you, like he wasn't in control of himself.

Gratitude =are they grateful in general/are they aware of you doing things for them?

It depends on what it is. He can be pretty unaware of you doing things for him in general—you do things to make his life easier, and for some reason he thinks those things just happen.

Once it's revealed to him that you're doing things, or it becomes obvious (like you helping him through a mental breakdown), he does become grateful. But also desperate because he thinks you'll leave him.

Holding hands =how & when do they like holding hands?

He's never liked the feeling of holding hands—he thinks it's a bit awkward. He just doesn't like the feeling of someone's hand touching his—there's a texture difference, and a temperature difference, and how long should he even hold your hand? It's just no.

Injury =how would they act if you got injured?

For minor injuries (like a scratch), he tells you to show him so he can look at it. He can tell when wounds look too red, and are infected, but you clean it up. He kisses you, and tells you to take a break, even if it's not that bad of an injury. He becomes kind of paranoid about it, and tells you to keep an eye on it.

If it's a bigger injury (like you being hospitalized), he'll visit you in the hospital. He's not too keen on hospitals, but he'll stay there with you.

If you were attacked, he would feel like he had something to do with it somehow.

Jealousy =do they get jealous easily & how do they deal with it?

He gets insecure when he's jealous. He doesn't tend to get jealous often, but he'll get jealous of a certain kind of person (like if you have a type). He also gets jealous of your ex.

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