Alphabet Prompts

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Cw: talking about mental health & NSFW

TLDR; me talking about some decisions I'm making & explaining a few things (marking this book as mature) & at the very end announcing that I'll be writing alphabets.

This is not a rant, but it is a ramble.

(talking about mental health below)

I'm honestly a bit conflicted on this, but I'm going to make some changes from my other book (for those who have read it).

My last book was relatively safe for everyone (or SFW), and I obviously think it's important for many people to have access to literature. For a while, I've considered marking this book as mature due to my increased desire to write mental health fics. I have more ideas for it, and I think it's an important subject to touch on, and spread awareness about.

Could I write a book specifically for mental health fics? Sure, but a lot of the mental health I want to write about revolves being transmasc because that's the experience I have, and that would be the audience I would be aiming for.

When I write these fics, I'm not trying to romanticize or stigmatize anything, and admittedly sometimes I write them for myself, hoping someone else can find comfort or reassurance in them, too. I have always used fiction as a coping mechanism—I've always enjoyed reading, and I've always enjoyed writing, so writing things like this is good for me (even if the culture around fanfiction is seen as "cringe", I could never bring myself to care (cringe culture is problematic in and of itself, but that's something for another day)).

(talking about NSFW below)

This being said, I'm also going to write some NSFW content. I was torn about this, too, because I know that so many books on here revolve around romance and seggs, and it's not everyone's cup of tea for multiple reasons. Being A-Spec myself, I definitely understand this frustration, but also not being repulsed, I find a lack of positive (healthy, respectful, understanding, etc.) content and representation for anyone who isn't cis-gender.

I don't plan on writing a lot of NSFW content, and I'm still not taking requests for smut because I'd rather write it on my own terms. I also still have some guidelines around my NSFW content, which I will touch on later on in this chapter.

This being said, I will also do my best to respect people's desire to avoid certain topics & genres (both when it comes to mental health & NSFW).

I will still be including trigger warnings, and will definitely give a heads up when a fic includes smut (especially if you can read part of it without the smut).

This all being said, while I was recovering from surgery, I started writing fluff & nsfw alphabets for characters (since it was easy to work on them in smaller chunks), and while I've been busy with the start of school, I've been working on them, too. (I am still busy, so I don't know when they'll be published, hopefully soon, but they are in the works).

I've got drafts for Sherlock, John, Mycroft, Hannibal, Will, Aziraphale, and Crowley (Good Omens) written for fluff, and drafts for Sherlock, John, Mycroft, Hannibal, and Will written for NSFW (I won't be doing that for Azi and Crowley, sorry). I don't know which other characters to add, maybe some Marvel, so feel free to request.

I was thinking about making fluff and NSFW sperate chapters since it'll probably be easier for people to avoid the NSFW if they want that way.

Fluff Prompts:

Some of these belong to other people, some I made up.

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