How Marvel Characters Would React to You Being Deadnamed [Part 2]

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Tw for entire chapter: being deadnamed
Please read the beginning of each character for individual warnings.

D/n= deadname
L/n= last name
F/n= friend's name 

Relationship with characters: romantic/partners

Stephen Strange
Additional warnings: unsupportive family member, misgendering, transphobic statements

You weren't the most open about your past. Stephen wasn't either, in all honesty, but the two of you worked on telling each other slowly and on your own time, so you weren't too worried about it. You had known each other for about a year, and had been dating for 5 months—so he did know a lot more about you than other people.

One thing, however, that you never intended on telling him was your deadname. Stephen respected your wishes—he never brought it up, but you did and told him you were never going to tell him what it was. He made it obvious that it made no difference to him, but when you heard a familiar voice calling out your deadname, your whole world came to a halt.

You and Stephen were grocery shopping—sure, you could've found a way around it, but it was oddly comforting to do something as mundane as shopping with him. You thought that maybe you were just hearing things the first time you heard it, but the second time, you knew.

You looked behind you, and saw your cousin approaching.

Stephen notice, and gave you a weird look.

"Do you know her?" He whispered, noticing the person now slightly jogging towards the two of you. You nodded slowly.

"H-hey! Hey." She panted, coming to a stop in front of you.

"Do you need something?" You asked.

"Actually, yeah. I've been trying to reach you everywhere, but something must be wrong with your phone."

"If I'm not receiving your calls or texts, my phone is working perfectly fine, but your sense of boundaries is not. What do you need?"

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed. Anyway, it's Charlette again. I think it may be done for good this time, so I really need a place to stay."

You sighed. "I live with Stephen now, so no."

They scoffed. "Yeah, right. We all know you don't have a boyfriend, d/n."

"He's right, actually," Stephen interrupted, "he lives with me now. He said nothing about me being his boyfriend, but you are correct. And no, I will not allow you to stay with us, for the simple fact that you can't seem to get his name right."

She scoffed. "I think I know my own cousin's name. I've known her longer than you have, she's lying to you if you think that's a man."

"The way you're talking to him, I wouldn't count on knowing him longer than me."

"Was that supposed to be a threat?" She scoffed.

Stephen only gave them a little smile, and a golden spark began to circle around them. "Let's go, y/n."

You turned you back in time to hear a scream cut short. Stephen immediately started walking away, and you followed.

"I'm sorry about that." You murmured.

"About what?"

"I don't know, just...that whole thing, you know."

He shook his head. "You don't need to apologize. I am a little curious about what that situation was about, but you don't need to explain if you don't want to."

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