Stephen Strange [NSFW]

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Aftercare (what they're like after sex)

Aftercare is very important to him—he always cleans you up, and takes steps to prevent either of you from getting an STI.

This is true during and before sex as well—he'll make sure things are done properly. Even though he worked in neuro, he saw a vast range of patients during his residency, and still knows enough about the reproductive and urinary systems to take basic care of you.

Afterwards, he'll crawl in bed, and happily cuddle you until you fall asleep.

Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

His favorite parts of yours are places that are sensitive—especially your neck and thighs. He likes kissing your neck softly (or with enough pressure to get a reaction out of you), and he likes cuddling your thighs (even if it's not related to your having sex). For the most part though, he could live with or without you having certain parts—and alterations would make no difference to him.

In contrast, he doesn't really have a favorite part of his body. It used to be his hands, and while he's gotten better with them, he's a bit blind to any beauty they could possess. Now, it'd probably be his mind—his mind never failed him, and it contributed so much to all of his success.

Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)

He likes to cum inside you or in a condom. He tries to make you cum before he does, and it sometimes becomes a bit of a game to see who can control it the longest if you're up for teasing him back.

Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

He can get a pretty dominant side during sex—and while he acts like a daddy kink is below him, if you call him that in the moment, it turns him on more.

Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)

He has plenty of experience—once he went off to college, and was away from his family, he had more room to experiment with whatever he wanted, and there was a sexuality aspect to that. He's very confident in his ability to please you, not only because of experience, but also because he's very perceptive, and will pick up on what you like pretty quickly.

Favorite position (this goes without saying)

You usually default to him laying on his back. With his hands, it's a bit different for him to put so much pressure on them without them hurting. So you either end up riding him, or giving him anal. His main objective is that he sees your face.

While he likes those positions, his favorite is probably when you're sitting on a table and he's fucking you because the table is as high as his hips, and it's one of the few positions where he can actually fuck you.

Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)

He can get a little snide, but he doesn't add too much humor to it. You can count on afterwards, or before though—making comments about your reactions or noises to get a rise out of you (all playfully, of course).

Hair (do they like their hair being pulled?)

While you are the only person he trusts with his hair, he does not like it being pulled. He's okay with you simply playing his hair, or massaging his scalp, but if you pull his hair, he won't let you touch it for a while.

Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)

Intimacy is definitely something he needs.

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