All I Want For Christmas Is You Pt. 2 ||Tony Stark/Thor Odinson x Reader||

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n/n= nickname
your pov

You were relieved once you finally got to your room—it wasn't that you didn't enjoy seeing Tony again, but he talked a lot, and insisted you visit every single floor in the Tower. Even if it was only for a couple of minutes.

To say the view from your window was impressive would be an understatement—the sun was setting by the time you were able to get to your room. The sky was a mix of oranges and light purples, and the city below you became an array of little golden lights, as well as reds and greens from the traffic lights. Despite it being winter, there was no snow, and many of the lights in the surrounding buildings stayed on as the work day carried on in a crawl due to the earlier sunsets.

You stared, hypnotized for a few moments, before shaking your head. You turned to your luggage, and while you knew you should probably unpack, you decided to pull a few things out from the top instead so that you could take a shower. You'd be able to take care of your luggage later.

The bathroom attached to your bedroom was pristine and spacious. Most people didn't know, but you found out a long time ago that Tony was actually a germaphobe. So you knew the bathroom had probably been disinfected, then aired out to get rid of the scent.

You turned on the tap in the tub, and waited for it to warm up before getting in to take your shower.

After you got out, and got dressed, you decided to go on your phone. You had several notifications from people asking if you had landed—ever since you got off the plane, Tony had taken up most of your time.

You were still in the process of responding to a few things, when you heard a knock on your door. You got up, and answered it.

"Oh, hey Thor." You said once you opened the door. Admittedly, you were expecting Tony, seeing as he seemed reluctant to let you go into your room, so you were surprised when you saw Thor.

"Hello y/n! Natasha said I could bring you dinner."

"Okay, thank you. Is Tony busy?"

"I don't think so. It's difficult to tell. Do you want me to go get him?"

"No, that's fine. I was just wondering."

Thor nodded.

" you want to come in?"

Thor's eyes lit up. "Sure!"

The two of you sat on your bed and talked. You ate while he told you stories of Asgard, and gave you more details about things with the Avengers. Though, it was more of a different perspective on the events, seeing as Tony had already told you so much. Thor spoke about it as though he enjoyed it much more. He didn't go get himself food, or eat while he was there. You found it slightly odd, but you were too hungry to care.

You didn't notice how much time he had spent in your room until a knock interrupted your conversation. You were trying to tell a story, but Thor started laughing in the middle of it, and something about his laugh was contagious, making it difficult for you to finish.

You composed yourself as much as you could as you could as you got up to open the door—this time opening it to see Tony.

"Oh, good. You're not dying. I heard a horrible sound, I couldn't tell if it was wheezing or cackling."

You rolled your eyes. "I was just telling Thor about what happened at your birthday party."

"That is classified information, okay? Has he been in here the whole time?"

"Yeah, why?"

"It's been 3 hours. What have you been doing for 3 hours?"


"Sure. Hey, point break, how 'bout we give n/n here a break, okay? I have a schedule tomorrow, I don't need him to be exhausted the whole day. He gets snappy." Tony stepped into your room to gesture for Thor to leave.

"You're snappy." You muttered, stepping away from the door so that he could enter.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." You smiled widely at him.

"That's what I thought." He responded, smirking slightly.

"Very well then." Thor said, getting up and walking towards the door. "It was lovely getting to know you y/n. I will speak to you tomorrow." Thor kissed your hand, before leaving.

You saw Tony gape at him.

"Um...okay." He turned to you, and quickly kissed your cheek—something he usually only reserved for greetings, or thanking you. "Goodnight, y/n."

You stood stunned in the doorway for a few moments, as you watched the two men walk away. Even after you closed the door, you were caught off-guard by receiving two kisses. 

"What the hell was that?" Tony snapped once the elevator doors closed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Uh, that back there. You kissed y/n."

"Yes...what about it?" Thor asked, visibly confused. 

"Why'd you do it?"

"Oh, it's just custom. I was doing it to be polite." Thor explained.

"Okay, well you've only known him for like three hours, so how about you lay off the kissing."

"My apologizes, I didn't realize he was bothered by it."

"Well he probably was. He was probably too polite to say anything. Just don't do it again."

Thor nodded.

The rest of the elevator ride was silent, and when they got to the bottom floor, they went their separate ways. 

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