All I Want For Christmas Is You Pt. 3 ||Tony Stark/Thor Odinson x Reader||

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Warning: pov changes

Tony stayed up all night planning your day tomorrow. He refused to watch Thor drooling over you for one more second. If he knew Thor was going to act like this, he would've come up with some mission for him to do, or kicked him out of the Tower altogether. He wasn't jealous—he just didn't like it. The thought of it grossed him out—you were his best friend, and Thor was someone he sometimes worked with, it would just be weird.

The morning came before he knew it, and he bounded up to your room to wake you up. He knocked before entering, and found you fast asleep. He smirked, and approached your bed slowly and carefully.

"Y/n!" He shouted, jumping up onto the bed with you.

You awoke with a jolt, and sat up quickly. You looked at him wide-eyed, before your look turned into a glare.

"Very funny. I told you to stop doing that."

"What? I can't help it." Tony said, laughing.

"Yes you can. I've met many people who are able to wake me up in normal ways."

"Right, but none of them are me."


Tony rolled his eyes. "Come on. Get up. I've got a big day planned for us."

You groaned. "Do we really need to leave now?"

"Yes, meet me downstairs in 5 minutes." Tony said, getting up to leave your room before you could object.

You sighed, and pushed the covers off, forcing yourself to get dressed. 

Thor had found it difficult to sleep the previous night, as well. The conversation he had with you kept running through his head. He was excited to see you the next day, however, when he saw you in the morning, it was as Tony was ushering you out the door.

He felt a sense of disappointment well in him—even though he didn't know how to get to know you better, he wanted to. He realized that he'd have to plan something with you before Tony could next, that way he'd have a fair shot. 

With traffic, and undesirable road conditions, the drives between each place took longer than you felt they should. You didn't mind too much, it was nice to catch up in-person instead of over the phone. Every time you and Tony went a while without seeing each other, you always seemed to be able to pick up where you left off like it was nothing. You appreciated that—you really did.

Tony told you about Peter, and everything that had been going on with the Avengers. You told him how your work was, and more about what your life was like where you lived. You mentioned that you were considering moving to New York, and you could tell that his eyes lit up a little at that. Once you were alone, you asked if he was getting enough sleep, and if his nightmares were getting any better. He asked about your transition, and offered to pay for anything else you could need.

When you got back to the Tower, it felt like barely any time had passed, despite it almost being time for dinner.

You were laughing at something Tony had said—sometimes it seemed like he was always trying to make you laugh—when Thor bounded up to you.

"Y/n! You're back."

"Yeah." You chuckled slightly.

"Great! I was wondering if you would like to go to this place I found tomorrow?"

"That's...a little vague, but sure."

"You'll love it. They have amazing drinks."

You smiled. "Okay."

"Um, y/n," Tony interjected, "just so you're aware we have dinner reservations the night after next, and my annual Christmas party in a week."

"You have an annual Christmas party?" Thor asked.

Tony gave him a look. "Uh, yeah. You're just never here." He said, hoping you wouldn't see through his lie. 

And within the next couple of seconds, Thor and Tony ended up booking the rest of your week. 

You ended up getting closer to Thor than you expected. He frequently took you to cafes—eager to buy you coffee. He explained that he was from Asgard and that they did not have such a drink there. He was eager to learn everything he could about Earth. Even though he could be a bit strange at times, he did bring a new perspective to things for you, simply by being excited about things you thought seemed ordinary. 

He'd take you shopping, and insist on going into every store he saw where there was always something that caught his eye. It was never-ending for him, it was almost like being with a puppy. He reminded you of a himbo sometimes, but you could tell that he was still intelligent in his own way—definitely in a way that was different from Tony. Thor wasn't too assertive or arrogant with his intelligence, but he was very curious and you were starting to appreciate your growing friendship. 

Everyone in the compound was glad Thor had someone to spend time with—they found it amusing that whenever Steve would be telling you a story, or Bruce would be showing you something in the lab, Thor would be right on your heels. What they didn't like, however, was the way Tony was acting.

Tony hated the way Thor acted around you, and he hated the fact that you went along with it. He hated the way you laughed at the things Thor said. He hated the way you smiled at Thor when you greeted him. He hated the fact that Thor would sit next to you at dinner or lunch and you would just let him. He hated the way you blushed at his compliments—as if he had never complimented you himself. It was like you didn't even acknowledge the fact that he had done all that first. He got there first.

Tony had tried to mark his territory in a sense—kissed your cheek as a greeting as always, shot Thor a look whenever he was talking to you and noticed Thor approaching. He even tried telling Thor to back off and stop flirting with you, but Thor kept using the excuse that he wasn't taking you out on dates, and you weren't dating Tony.

Whether or not you were dating wasn't the problem to Tony. Not at first, anyway. It was easy enough to push aside the real reason why he was jealous of Thor when he thought you'd just be going away again in a couple of weeks. But when you told him you were considering moving to New York, it was like a whole new world of possibilities opened up to him.

Suddenly, he didn't feel restricted by distance or time. He quickly told you that you were welcome to stay at the tower as long as you like—finding himself hoping that you'd say yes—that you'd stay this time.

He never used to see it as you leaving, of course, he knew you had to work and take care of yourself first. But the thoughts of you staying quickly grew beyond platonic. Soon, he could see you occupying his space—you coming down to his lab late at night to tell him to stop working, you staying up at night waiting for him to come home from a mission, the two of you sitting on the sofa watching a movie under the same blanket because you were comfortable with being affectionate. Those thoughts turned into you wrapping your arms around him from behind, and kissing his neck before telling him you'd drag him to bed if you needed to. Or to you waiting with a book or on your phone for him to come home, and offering to take a late-night shower with him because you could see he was barely awake enough to properly clean himself. Or to him throwing an arm over your shoulder while you cuddled against his chest—nearly falling asleep despite you being the one who picked the movie.

It was getting harder and harder to push the thoughts aside, but no matter how many times he told himself that he viewed you as a friend, he couldn't ignore them.

He knew what he had to do, and he knew when he was going to do it. 

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