Mycroft [Fluff]

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Admiration/attractive =what do they find attractive/what do they adore about you?

He thinks it's adorable when you're focused on something—whether it's work, or an interesting book, you always make a face without even realizing. He never points it out because he doesn't want you to grow self-conscious of it.

Bond =how quickly did they bond with you/how quickly did they get a crush?

When he first saw you, he admittedly thought you were very handsome, but he quickly pushed the thought away—not wanting to get attached.

He's usually able to keep his emotions at bay, and when he can't it's very easy to miss—but his feelings of attraction towards you got more difficult to deny the more he got to know you. Over the span of about 3 years, the two of you got fairly close.

It was easy for Mycroft to want to let you in—you were one of the more easy people to have a conversation with (which is a big compliment), and he found it easy to trust you, but he didn't like letting himself do this—he doesn't like letting people in, so he didn't let you in on everything immediately. It took a while before he felt like it was okay to trust you.

Cuddle =how do they like to cuddle & how frequently?

He doesn't particularly like cuddling—he doesn't' mind it as much when it's night, and the two of you are falling asleep. Especially if it'll help you sleep, he'll wrap his arms around you, and he doesn't mind you doing the same to him (though he usually prefers you laying on his chest while he holds you).

It can be surprisingly nice after a long day at work, or after not seeing each other for a while. He doesn't initiate cuddling very much, but when he does, it's consuming and warming.

You're the only person he actually likes touching (he only tolerates family).

Dysphoria =how do they respond to you being dysphoric?

He's not very good at dealing with emotions. He can tell very easily when you're not feeling yourself, and while he is able to understand it to a certain extent (understand why you're struggling), he doesn't know how to communicate to you that he sees you as male (or however you identify). 

He's also not very good at verbal affirmation—though he's been able to practice it a bit when you're feeling dysphoric, and he'll tell you you look handsome or dapper, but he's unsure of what to say, and it shows slightly. 

He still puts in effort, and he'll drop by and bring you some tea, or get you a gift, because he's much better at showing he cares that way. 

He'll try to come home early, too. He cooks you dinner, and the two of you watch a film (he lets you choose...he likes old films, but if you choose something different, he won't put up a fight). 

He stays up with you all night, and waits for you to fall asleep on his shoulder before turning the TV off, and carrying you to bed.

Emotions =how do they express emotions around you?

He's very subtle with his emotions, but you can learn them after interacting with him for a while. He huffs, grumbles, and hums when he's upset. When he's stressed, he'll stare at one spot on the wall, and his forehead gets this crease. 

He expresses his affection by kissing you, showering you in gifts, and calling you petnames, and as long as other people aren't around, it's quite obvious he cares. 

The one emotion he can't seem to keep under control when it comes to you, however, is worry. He learned how to cover up worry for his brother somehow, but once he is worried about you, the man makes it obvious to everyone around him.

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