You Lower the IQ of the Whole Hospital ||Greg House||

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Cw: takes place during Christmas, mentions of Christmas being celebrated in the past/Christmas being the predominant winter holiday celebrated in the area where the reader grew up, mentions of an on-off again relationship with an ex, friends with benefits with House, ex showing up at work unannounced, swearing, implied sexual content, implied cheating 
(ages left vague) 

Reader is a doctor. 

If you tried really hard, you could vaguely remember your childhood when the holiday rush had a sense of whimsy. You remembered when your kitchen was filled with warmth and the scent of cookies—the anticipation you felt upon seeing the amount of presents under the tree growing.

You could remember the Christmas nights you spent trying to stay awake as long as possible, waking up your parents long before they were ready to get up. You could remember the decorations on the tree. You could picture all the lists you made and the piles of wrapping paper you sat in after unwrapping your presents.

Yes, even if not everything was exactly great, you could at least appreciate the innocence. The ability to be naïve—unaware—of what your future holds. Now, holidays meant an incessant rush of people. Being a doctor, you were almost always busy on holidays, usually having no choice other than to work non-stop.

You thought you knew what sacrifice was in pre-med, or even medical school, but nothing could've prepared you for this. Sure, you made it a point to shadow doctors during the busy months, knowing the holidays were busy. But that certainly did not mean you were prepared. Apparently, your partner at the time was ill-prepared as well.

You started dating before you started medical school, while you were still presenting as female. They supported you during your transition, but you ended up breaking it off on account of you getting into medical school. You moved away to follow your dream, and after a year of you being gone, they moved as well. They convinced you that it could work between the two of you—that their art gig and your medical career could coexist.

Perhaps it could work if you were two different people. They always wanted you to spend more time with them, and while you could give them that in the beginning, your relationship got rocky once you started working 24-hour shifts. Your long hours ended up tearing apart your relationship, but you knew how to not let it affect your job. For years and years, your relationship would drag on with you getting back together, before a huge fight broke out, resulting in the both of you separating. The only person who ever seemed to notice was House.

Damn House. He was always going out of his way to tell you that you were off your game that week. That your performance was slipping. See, your passion for internal medicine made you stubborn. Almost as stubborn as him. So when you rose to the ranks of an intern and started working under his supervision, he didn't let you forget that he noticed everything. He knew everything. He didn't know the specifics of your relationship—no one really did—but he always seemed to know it was your partner's fault.

Every jab would be because he thought you weren't getting any, or because you argued with your partner. He told you you were too emotional, too unobservant. You knew he was trying to make you feel like you didn't deserve this internship—didn't deserve to be walking the same halls as him—but it never tore you down the way you were sure he intended it.

Admittedly, you became used to House's jabs. Sometimes you even sought them out just so that you could give another jab. House was quick to pick up on your little game, and decided to humor you.

Eventually, you became more bold in your remarks towards him—when it was just the two of you, you would make comments on his sexuality, on his personal life, and the like. You had developed an attraction towards him that you couldn't quite place. You didn't want anything serious—not after dealing with your ex. Not when you still occasionally got tangled up with your ex again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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